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Harper sighed and leaned against a wall in the hallway.

"What's up with you?" Asked Enoch.
"It's just Millard. He's acting weird." She said.
"Considering he punched me, I don't beg to differ." He joked.

Harper just crossed her arms and continued what she was doing only a second ago.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" He again asked.
"Erm, Millard tried to... Kiss me?" It took her a while to finally speak the words.

"He did what?"
Enoch tried to laugh, but his pissed off expression gave him away.

"Did you kiss him?" The brunette asked.
Harper gasped. "He's 12! Of course, I didn't bloody kiss him!" Her voice raised.

"Of course, not." He repeated to her and hid a smile.

"So... How is your nose?" It was still bleeding and he wasn't holding the cloth in his hand over it.
"It's fine."Enoch lied.

Harper rolled her eyes and took the cloth from his hand. "Don't lie." She placed the cloth on his nose.

He didn't pull away unlike he did from Olive.
"Wow. You're actually letting me help you."
She laughed.

"I doubt you'd take no for an answer."
He wasn't exactly wrong.

"I'm sorry about earlier." He muttered.
"Hmm? What was that?"
She began to play around.

"I'm sorry about earlier..." His voice was still quiet.
"Hmm? I can't hear you." She smirked.
"I'm sorry about earlier!" He yelled.

Harper laughed.
"I get it. I walked out on you without an explanation. I'd be mad as well." She pitied.

"I'm curious, why did you walk out?"
There begs a question.

"I'm pretty sure someone was watching us." She looked towards Millard's bedroom door.

"Is that the only reason?" Enoch asked.
"No..." Harper shook her head and took the cloth away from Enoch's nose.

"I was nervous...?" The girl tries to find the right words.

"You don't strike me as the nervous type, Harper."

"Well, you hardly know me. Every time we're with each other we're either arguing or kissing each other."

Enoch slightly nodded.
"Do you want to stop?" He asked the girl.
Harper thought for a moment.

"Stop which?"
"Any? Them both?"

She never wanted to stop.
Sure, arguing with that arsehole was extremely annoying, but it also adds some drama to whatever they have going on.

But kissing him was weird. A good weird.
No matter how badly she tried to fight the thought, kissing him was all she wanted to do.

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