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Miss Peregrine passed the brunette a cup of tea and took a seat across from her.

"Thank you for your help, Harper. That was very nice of you to help." The lady sipped her tea.
"No worries, Miss. I'm sorry I hesitated.." Harper muttered under her breath, embarrassed.

"Nonsense! I guarantee you that almost everyone here including myself would've done the same." She reassured the girl.

She sipped her tea and nodded.
"I'd hope so." Harper and Miss Peregrine let out a small chuckle.

"So, how are you doing? I understand that a peculiarity like yours can take much energy from you." She asked.

"I'm fine." She nodded. "Tired. But fine." Harper continued.

Miss Peregrine gave the child a strange look before standing up and placing her empty cup into the sink.
"Well, if you need anything, let me know."
And with that, she walked away.

Claire came running into the kitchen.
She tugged at Harper's dress.
"Will you come play with us?" Claire gave the girl pleading eyes.

"Oh, I don't-"
Claire pulled the girl along.
"And I thought Bronwyn was the strong one," Harper muttered as she was pulled up to Claire and Bronwyn's shared room.

"What are we playing?" Harper asked.
"Tea party!" Claire beamed.
Bronwyn didn't look as enthusiastic as her friend, but continued to nod and take a seat at the small table that had some teacups resting on it.

The table was around the size of Harper's knees and the chairs were tiny.
She carefully took a seat, making sure not to break the chair.

Claire poured the imaginary tea while Bronwyn placed out some imaginary biscuits.

The girl began to speak in an old English accent.
"Well, my dear friends, this tea is just marvellous!" Claire said, making the other two giggle.

"Well, I just happen to agree." Bronwyn mimicked.
They both looked at Harper, waiting for her to speak.
"Oui." She raised the small teacup and sipped the imaginary tea.

"That's French!" Claire corrected.
"I'm not very good at old English accents, Claire." Harper then ate an imaginary biscuit.

"Can you do old Scottish then?" Bronwyn asked.
"I don't think Scottish has much changed."
The girls sighed.

They all continued to do their atrocious accents, not realising they had eyes on them.

Soon, multiple claps could be heard from the open door.

There stood Rory, Jj, Enoch and Emma.
Claire bowed and laughed.
"Would you like to join us?" She asked.

Rory, and Jj graciously accepted the invitation, but Enoch on the other hand, refused.

"I'm not one to join little tea parties." He put air quotes on the tea parties.

"Don't be ridiculous. Join us, Enoch." Rory maliciously smiled as she pulled him down to sit.

"So, how is everyone on this fine afternoon?" Jj attempted a completely horrible English accent.
Everyone let out a laugh.

"Good!" Bronwyn and Claire answered.
"Oui." Harper nodded.

"Great English accent you've got there." Enoch smirked.

She again nodded.

That was honestly all she knew how to say.

"So, Florence... What's going on with you and Jj." Harper asked as she tried to hide the small grin on her face.

"What do you mean? Nothings going on."
She lied.

Harper thought this'll be fun to entertain.

"Yeah. No, the last time I saw you guys alone together, you were in your bedroom, you were snogging." She reminded.

Rory looked down and blushed.
"It was in the moment. We were talking and the back of his hand brushed my cheek and I couldn't take it, so I just..."
She explained herself and the situation.

Harper nodded and listened.
The blonde sighed before speaking again.

"It's been extremely awkward ever since.
I mean, Jj has been the same as usual, but I just can't breathe every time I'm around him. I think I'm gonna explode."

"You quite obviously fancy him." Harper laughed at the girl's confused expression.
"No, I don't wanna do that stuff." She repeatedly shook her head.

"You can't exactly control it, Rory. It just happens."
A smile played on Rory's face.
What is she up to?

"Just like you can't control your feelings for Enoch?" She pointed to the still red mark on her neck.
"Enough of Enoch. We only kissed because he was desperate to kiss literally anyone and I was just there."

She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.

"Desperate, huh?" A voice laughed from behind the girl. Harper's blood ran cold at Enoch's voice.
"No. I didn't mean to-" He cut her off. "I must've been desperate if I kissed you." Enoch clenched his jaw and stormed away.

Harper turned to look at Rory, whose mouth was agap.

"I'll be back." She ran after the boy.

"Enoch! I didn't mean it!" He ignored her and continued to walk down the hallway.
"I'm sorry." She tried to stop him by clutching his arm.

"I don't care, Harper." He shook her off.
"Enoch, please."
He finally stopped walking and turned to face her.
The way he turned was quite aggressive.

"Don't bother apologising. I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses." He refused eye contact with her.
Harper didn't know if it was because he couldn't bear to look at her or because he'd lose it.

"I said that because I was scared of what Rory would say. You weren't desperate. I was. All I've ever wanted to do was kiss you, so when I first got the chance, I was in awe. I didn't mean to say that to Rory and I'd gladly tell her the truth."
Harper admitted.
Now she was the one refusing eye contact.

And with that, he left, leaving her in the dark, candlelight hallway, alone.

It's funny because that's exactly what she felt.

girly just doesn't know when to stop.

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