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Enoch rolled off of her, panting heavily.
"You're amazing, you know that?" He chuckled and turned to face her.

Harper blushed, going the same.
"Enoch! Harper! Supper's ready!"
Claire ran past the closed bedroom door.

They both jumped up and began to change into their clothes.

Harper looked into the mirror to see her neck covered with Hickey's. Her dress, unfortunately, didn't cover any.

"Enoch." She panicked and tried to fix her dress.
Enoch rummaged through his dresser and threw her a wool jumper.

After the boy finally put his clothes on, he towered behind her, looking in the mirror to see his lips swollen and red.

He profusely wiped them, and it obviously didn't do anything other than smudge some of her leftover lipstick.

They both fixed their hairs before looking at each other and then to the door.
"Hurry!" Claire shouted as she ran downstairs.

The two quickly ran downstairs and took a seat across from one another.

"How kind of you to join us."
Miss Peregrine smiled and greeted.
No one had begun to eat, so they must've been waiting for them.

They both muttered under their breaths.
Rory and Jj glanced back and forth at Enoch and Harper, then each other.
They smirked.

"Cute jumper." Jj stated as everyone began to eat.
"Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm just borrowing it." Harper began to sink into her seat. Rory stifled a laugh.
"It's his favourite." She looked toward Enoch and then Harper.

Emma caught on to what they were doing.
"I like your lipstick, Enoch. Although, I do think that you should maybe look in the mirror next time you apply." She gave a genuine smile but was obviously teasing.

Enoch kicked Emma from under the table.
Miss Peregrine scolded them.
"Now, if we may enjoy our meal." She tore the turkey that laid on her plate.

Everyone just began to eat their meal in silence.

"So why are you wearing make up, Enoch?" Asked Claire. "I'm not wearing make up." He wiped his lips.
"Okay..." She giggled.

"And... Harper, why are you wearing Enoch's jumper?" Rory snuck into the conversation with a grin.

"Got cold." She death glared at Jj and Rory.
"It's very warm outside." Jj added.
"Don't you know? It's supposed to rain tonight." Harper hoped her snarky comment would make them back off.

"I just know they were snogging."
So apparently Rory couldn't be arsed with teasing so she just full-on came out with it.
"Looks like a lot more than snogging to me." Jj whispered loud enough for almost everyone to hear.

"No, we weren't! I wouldn't do anything with her if she was the last person on earth." Enoch glared at them.
He didn't mean it. He was obviously just saying it so that they would shut up.

"Children, enough!"
Miss Peregrine stood up angrily.
Harper slammed down her cutlery and stood up after her. "I'm not hungry anymore." She stormed away to her shared room with Olive.

Miss Peregrine shouted after the girl, but she proceeded to ignore her.
"Happy now?" Enoch huffed and followed after her.

He casually walked into the bedroom.
"Go away, Enoch. I don't want to hear it."
He seemed confused. "What are you talking about? You know I was only just saying that." He laughed.

"Were you though?" She asked. Enoch seemed agitated. "I didn't want to get us into trouble."
"Well, it's honestly better than hearing you saying all of that!"

The boy laughed. "I'm done talking about this, Harper." He began to walk away.
"Yeah, walk away like you always do when things get complicated!"

He just ignored her and continued to walk.

She wanted to go after him.
Tell him to wait up and apologise, but why would she apologise?

"Harper, I'm sorry." Rory burst into the room around half an hour later. "Me and Jj we were only joking, like." She gave a sincere glance.

"It was hardly funny." Harper didn't turn her eyes away from the Stephen King book in her hands.
"Come on, Harper. It was only a joke. Plus, it's not like you actually did any of that together." She chuckled.

The girl just rolled over on the bed so that she wasn't facing Rory. "You wouldn't have." Her chuckling soon turned to laughter.

She started at the girl for a minute.
"Enoch? Come on, I get kissing him, but that?"
Rory groaned in disgust at the thought.

"No need to act so repulsed." Sure, she was mad at Rory, but it was kind of hard to hide her smile.
Thank God she turned away from her.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Who am I to judge?" She took a seat beside Harper and crossed her arms. "No. You need to judge. You're the only person who I can take to about these things. Olive hates my guts for whatever reason. Emma has hated romance ever since that guy broke her heart and Jj is just a cunt. I need advice."

"Advice? Enoch is the most closed-off, rudest boy I have ever met. Not once have I seen him treat you kindly. Talk to him and tell him how you feel."

It was surprising how helpful that advice was.
She expected Rory to make a small joke and tell her to just leave him be.

"I can't. I accidentally started an argument." Harper huffed and turned to face Rory. "Serves him right! I don't understand what you see in him."

"What's not to see? Sure, Enoch is a cunt, but I can just talk to him. He's the easiest person to just be with."

Harper began to rant about all of her feelings toward Enoch. Rory smiled and listened.

"I'm going to fix this." Harper sat up and nodded.
"Enoch should be the one fixing this, you know?" Rory leaned her arm on the girl's shoulder.
"He's way too stubborn for that."

"Jj told me that you didn't talk to him for a year because he broke your pager." Rory laughed.
"I loved that pager, Rory."

"Go." Rory points to the door.

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