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"and you really can't help me with the assignment?", steve asked while focusing on the road ahead of his car.

"i already told you. my teachers decided it would be super funny to give me tons of homework for the last month and i am still trying to figure out how to ask vickie out for a date!", robin stated while fishing one of her notebooks out of her backpack.

"okay well, what if i would help you out with vickie and you help me out with the assignement! it would be a fair win-win situation", the young man turned around to his best friend.

"first of all: your advice about woman turns out to be just not it, steve harrington and second: i might be able to play a few things on my god damn trumpet but i am also not that good! plus the assignments for school have to be done or i will end up being the one to fail classes! now focus on the road dingus!"

steve threw his head back and groaned before focusing back on driving.

"what even is your problem with eddie if you claim that you don't even remember him? you should give him a chance he's a really cool guy even if many people think differently. however, those are also the people who judge someone based on their looks so their opinion is irrelevant anyways", robin continued to rant

"i don't know it's just- writing a song is not an assignment you can finish within a few hours. and exactly like you said: i don't know him! it will be horribly awkward and- sorry if this comes out mean- but eddie doesn't look like a guy who i share the same taste in music with so even if i'd work with him and end up actually handing in a song my teacher would never believe me that i wrote it!", steve smacked his hand slightly in frustration on the steering wheel and sighed.

"why wouldn't your teacher believe you that you listen to metal music?"

"metal? seriously?", steve's head spun around in shock

"yes, steve, metal. what did you expect? the eddie munson to listen to some basic pop music you hear on the radio? anyway it's not like your teacher would stalk your private life. and even if it's a little awkward at the beginning, you will get used to him. like i said he's a really nice guy. stop worrying we're at school now!", robin gave steve's shoulder a little pat while he turned the steering wheel and drove on the school's parking lot.

"we'll see i guess", steve sighed while both friends got out of the car and locked the doors.

the schoolyard was already filled with students and steve and robin struggled to get through the corridors to their class rooms.

"alright steve, see you at lunch and have fun in music class. say hello to miss bown for me. or not i actually want to kep my head"

"hm, right", steve nodded with a little laugh before opening the door and entering the already packed class room.

he sat down on his usual spot next to one of those old white shelves which looked like they'd fall apart any second before grabbing his college block and a pen out of his backpack. steve felt way too tired to look for any of his "friends" and start an actual conversation. he never understood how people were capable of being this active before 8 in the god damn morning anyway. instead he grabbed the worn pen and spun it around with his fingers until the bell rang and his beloved teacher miss bown entered the room.

"good morning class", the almost skeletal woman greeted with her usual thin smile, if you could even call it one, on her pink drawn lips. "i hope that each and everyone of you have already started the project that i told you about yesterday. if not it will soon turn into a big problem because if your laziness takes over in my class i have no choice but let you fail and repeat this year"

"oh what a lovely welcome", steve thought and he would have rolled his eyes if he wasn't too scared that his teacher might catch him red-handed.

but it was so typical for his teacher to behave like this. to make every student in her class feel like complete shit. how obvious was it that not a single person started working on this project yesterday? steve looked around in the room. he could read in his classmates faces that everyone just sat here to get over this last year of school and because they had to attend this class.

"well if no one has anything to say we will just start today's lesson with a prayer before i will go around while you will work on your notes for the assignment. if you need help just ask me"

steve almost bursted out laughing about the last sentence and quickly looked down at his hands to hide his smile.

"okay", the woman clapped in her hands as a sign for the students to stand up. while the teacher prayed the Lord's prayer loudly, the students just mumbled the words under their breaths. steve already prepared for one of his teacher's lectures about students getting more disrespectful nowadays but he really couldn't care less in that moment and just tried to get through this hell hour. who knew someone could mess up music class as bad as his teacher.


i know i know it's more like a filler chapter but otherwise the storyline will end up in complete chaos with no structure :[

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