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steve sped through the almost empty streets until he finally stopped his car with an emergency break in front of his best friends house. as fast as he could, steve jumped out of the car, ran to the door and rang the bell. after a few seconds of no reaction, steve got impatient and pressed the button twice.

"yeah, yeah i am coming!", steve heard an annoyed voice and foot steps behind the door before a deathly tired robin opened it.

"steve?! what the hell are you doing here?", she asked and leaned against the door frame with crossed arms "is everything alright?", she worriedly added.

steve nervously went with his fingers through his hair, leaving it all messy. he didn't really think about what he would say before he left eddie's trailer and now it felt like his mouth was filled with all these words but none of them would make sense.

"i am not quite sure", he simply replied and entered the house by squeezing past robin.

"wow, guess you started you're "acting all mystery" phase, harrington", robin laughed but after seeing how lost and miserable steve looked at her made her, she stopped immediately.

"alright- just sit down on the couch i'll get us some snacks", she directed him and went to the small kitchen. meanwhile steve sat down on the sofa which was probably older than the school's principal even if that might seem impossible.

"sorry, we only had those breadsticks left", robin said and placed the bowl between both friends on the sofa. steve didn't answer and instead just stared at his fiddling fingers.

for a few minutes it was quiet. neither robin or steve knew how to start but mostly because robin didn't know what was wrong and steve didn't figure out the right words, yet.

"did you have someone over?", steve finally asked after deciding that a different topic would be easier for the start. he pointed at the two mattresses laying on the floor in front of the living room's window. next to it were placed two glasses, a half emptied crisps bag and different colours of nail polish.

"oh, yeah actually vickie left five minutes before you came and i was just about to take a nap. vickie came over after school and we started a movie however, we stopped it like every five minutes since either one of us wanted to comment on something which always ended up in a long discussion", robin explained and steve chuckled slightly about seeing robin's mood immediately lighten up.

"alright, now, steve. you're going to tell me why for god's sake you are here", robin prompted while taking a bite from a breadstick.

"remember that time we've talked about this whole queer community thing?", steve slowly asked and he could see that robin wanted to interrupt him right there and then but she held back and just nodded.

"well, you said there was more than gay and lesbian so what did you- uhm what did you mean?", steve nervously gulped and he could feel his heart beat racing.

robin was quiet for a few seconds. she was lost in her thoughts while chewing on her breadstick.

"uh- there is a lot? but for you- if i am reading your signs right- i think bisexuality should be interesting?", she talked slowly as if she would rethink every word she said with a hint of surprise.

"so what does that mean? bisexuality?", steve asked and rubbed his sweaty hands on his jeans over and over again.

now more investigated in the conversation, robin sat up on the couch while turning towards steve.

"it's pretty simple to be honest. i mean- i  thought i was bisexual at first. it means that you like both males and females. you don't have to choose whether you like only men or only women"

"wait- so i don't have to choose? i mean- this person, this bisexual person doesn't have to choose? there are other people who have the same struggle?", steve felt his cheeks glow red by his slip of the tongue.

"no, you don't have to choose, steve", robin explained and when steve nervously checked his friend's reaction, she just gave him a comforting smile.

it's okay. she's fine with it.

"even if you might feel like you have to choose, there really is no pressure. however, some people also prefer to not label themselves as anything"

"oh, alright. i understand, thanks", steve replied and for a couple of minutes none of the two said anything but instead ate the rest of the breadsticks.

"sooo... happy coming out, i guess?", robin stated in the silence and steve couldn't help but feel unbelievably relieved. even though he knew that robin wouldn't react badly, it was scary to come out. steve finally understood the fear robin must have gone through during her coming out to him. it almost felt like someone took this heavy rock from his shoulders which steve carried with him since he met eddie.

"yupp!", steve sighed and looked up to meet robin's sparkling eyes.

"alright, and now the real tea! who are we talking about?", robin asked and shuffled closer to steve.

"oh, i am absolutely not telling y-"

"it's eddie. i know it. i just wanted to check if you would dare to tell me yourself"

steve was too stunned to speak.

"how did you- how did you know if i am allowed to ask?"

"oh please! eddie's constant flirting was so obvious!"

"wait- what? what do you mean? eddie's just helping me with the project"

robin groaned and smacked her hand against her forehead.

"sorry. for one second i forgot you're dumb, harrington"

"what the fuck are you talking about? is it too much to ask for an explanation?!"

instead of an answer robin looked at steve with a "how can someone be so dumb" face. steve just stared back still not understanding what his best friend was trying to tell him.

"you know what? no. i won't tell you. it's too much fun to spoil it", robin stated and steve crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"you're mean"

"i am being realistic!", robin protested while steve turned away from his friend.

"and i am going home now. i still have to finish some homework and i don't have everything i need to finish it with me", steve added and got up from the couch.

"alright, alright", robin sighed "get home safely and don't forget to meet up with eddie as much as possible", she teased and steve just rolled his eyes playfully. both friends knew that those "discussions" weren't serious and they could always count on each other.

steve waved goodbye before leaving the house and going to his car. before he started his engine he couldn't help a big smile, while replaying in his head what just happened. just as robin said, there was no pressure to label himself but being bisexual felt comfortable, it felt right.

"i am bisexual", he murmured to himself relieved and stepped on the gas.

and so am i. yeah whatever. why is it so comforting to write coming out scenes? idk. anyway: thank you sm for 12k whoop whoop ily <3 now that my final year started i am just glad that i survived the first week. i am already drowning in assignments and projects i am gonna cry.

next chapter is gonna be an emotional roller coaster (i have it all planned out mwah) so get ready i guess? it's going in a lot of different directions if you know what i mean :P

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