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steve was trapped in his confusing and disturbing dreams when sudden sounds roused him. he yawned and rubbed his eyes before they could focus on the dark shadow standing in his room's door frame. immediatley a wave of panic flushed through steve's veins.

"hey, hey! steve? it's okay it's just me", eddie's whisper sounded through the room.

"eddie? wha-", steve was confused why the metalhead stood in his room until he remembered.

jason. the party.

eddie walked up to steve's bed and kneeled in front of steve, who was still rolled up in his blanket.

"i am sorry, i didn't mean to wake you. i am just starving and couldn't sleep", eddie slowly whispered while playing with steve's messy hair. he enjoyed the touch for a few seconds until he sat up and pulled away the blanket.

"let's go together. i will cook you something. i am not a master chef but i could try something simple", steve watched a smile spread on eddie's face. eddie grabbed steve's hands and pulled him on his feet. but instead of moving towards the kitchen, eddie's hands let go of steve's and moved above steve's hips. with his thumbs moving underneath the elastic strap of steve's pants, his other fingers drew small circles on the hip bones.

steve couldn't help but blush and eddie watched how steve's eyes moved in panic from one spot to another in his room to avoid eye contact.

"steeeve?", eddie asked, his amusement soundly in his voice.

"hm, yes?", steve gulped and carefully placed his own hands above eddie's.

"you know, you're such a pretty boy", eddie stopped and pulled steve a little closer "the real question is, would you mind being my pretty boy?"

steve looked up in surprise, meeting eddie's eyes. even though he seemed tough, steve could spot a glance of nervousness. he didn't know how to answer. obviously he wanted to say "yes". he wanted to say it immediately and without any seconds passing, but since eddie's words seemed so carefully chosen, a simple "yes" seemed way too basic.

instead steve grabbed eddie's face and smashed their lips together. even through the fatigue, steve wanted to prove eddie that he was and, yes, wanted to be his pretty boy.

while steve's hands went through eddie's hair, and also got a little tangled up there, eddie's hands went under steve's yellow shirt, caressing his back. but before eddie's lips could kiss down steve's neck, steve pulled away.

"didn't you want to eat something?", he giggled while untangling his fingers from the metalhead's hair.

"i mean yeah but now it seems that something or someone came in my way, hm?", eddie teased before kissing the tip of steve's nose. "but for real, i need food like right now "

"alright, alright", steve said and the couple made their way downstairs to the kitchen.

without any warning, steve turned the lights on which made eddie growl on pain.

"god! you want me to get blind?!", eddie protested but steve decided to ignore it.

he was too focused on the chaos in the big room. empty, as well as filled red plastic cups were scattered everywhere. mixed with random towels from the pool, food packaging, an empty buffet, which seemed to have been filled with various food before, pillows were on the floor, a weird mix of glitter and confetti was spread on the walls and the floor and the tons of empty cans of beer and other alcohol were the cherry on top.

"i thought you were already blended by your boyfriend's beauty, anyway?", steve acted all surprised which made eddie laugh out loud.

"alright. good to know that your humour is developing to the good"

"excuse me?!", steve said offended, trying to just focus on eddie instead. he couldn't change what happened, anyways. "i will hit you with my cooking spoon if you won't stop", he joked and eddie sat down with a wide smile on one of the bar stools around the kitchen island.

while steve turned to the stove he heard how eddie pushed all that stuff from the kitchen island to the floor, staying completely unbothered.

"so! what do you want to eat? the noodles with tomato sauce or the tomato sauce with noodles?", steve asked while preparing a pot with water.

"hmm... i think i will choose the "with tomato sauce" pasta", eddie answered and steve playfully rolled his eyes about the other male's answer.

as soon as the water was boiling, steve put the noodles in the pot while mixing tomato sauce with a bunch of seasonings in a different one.

"by the way, what's the time, eddie?", steve suddenly asked while concentrating to not burn anything.

"oh, just 4.35", eddie's voice suddenly appeared next to steve's right ear which made him almost drop the pot of sauce.

"jesus!", steve exclaimed in surprise.

"sorry, didn't mean to scare you", eddie continued and put his arms around steve's torso from behind.

"you almost ruined my high quality sauce, eddie!", steve protested but actually just wanting to hide the feeling of his racing heart in his chest. he couldn't believe that this moment was actually real. that eddie was actually his boyfriend. that they actually kissed. it was crazy but in the best way possible.

eddie didn't answer and instead watched how steve mixed the sauce with the noodles.

"would you mind bringing me two plates, ed?", steve asked, almost sad he had to destroy this way too precious moment.

"everything for my darling", eddie said while opening one shelf after the other. before steve was able to point out the right shelf, eddie already held two plates in the air, celebrating his success with a little dance.

steve wasn't able to say anything. he just watched eddie as if he was the most precious thing. which he was. at least in this moment.

eddie handed steve the plates and steve placed the food on them. with one hand balancing the two plates, he opened another drawer and fished two spoons and two forks. eddie already sat back down on the bar stool and took the two plates from steve, after seeing his boyfriend struggling.

"okayy, here's your cutlery", steve said and placed them next to eddie's plate.

"thanks, sweetheart", eddie thanked him which immediately left a warm feeling in steve's chest.

god he was so easy to get.

eddie happily took his first bite and his eyes went big.

"steve! those noodles are amazing, holy shit!", he exclaimed with his full mouth which made steve giggle.

"thank you! you won't be as impressed from my other recipes though"

eddie just shook his head, obviously enjoying the simple meal.

but steve couldn't help but feel the same. he was convinced that his noodles with tomato sauce never tasted this good before. but maybe it was true.

maybe the way to eddie's heart was really through his stomach.

and maybe the meal tasted even better because they shared it.

hellooo- how is everyone doing? my day was f u c k e d u p 🤡 the amount of people who used the wrong pronouns my friends... painful.

and then i had to listen for 7 hours how a 61 year old man made sexist jokes on the niveau of a 15 y.o. how do i know that? because the 15 y.o. boy next to him was making those "jokes" with him🤩

guys- that's why i am home 24/7. because i can't handle those kinds of people. 🙂

anyway: THANK U SM FOR 16K U R CRAZY <33

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