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steve's working hours passed like old chewinggum. chewy and flavorless. the shop seemed emptier than usual even though steve was convinced till this day that that wasn't possible. in addition to that steve felt that uncomfortable pressure taking over his chest. everytime robin talked to steve she had to repeat herself at least twice and he lost count of the amount of times he put the romance movies to the thrillers and the comedy ones to the children selection. when the clock finally said that both friends could close the shop, steve felt as if he wouldn't leave this shop immediatley he would die.

"steve? hey, what's up with you since we left your house?", robin asked with a sound of worry in her voice.

steve took a deep breath and turned around to his friend. "i seriously don't know but can we please just leave i really feel like sliding under my blanket right now"

"yeah sure, just let me know if you need something or if there's literally anything i can help you with, okay?", robin laid a hand on steve's shoulder who bit the skin around his nails to release stress.

steve's fingers were actually really burning and sensitive by his coping mechanism but it was the only thing he had right now to release the sudden shower of anxiety. robin seemed to quickly understand what steve was going through since she pulled out the shops keys out of her pocket as fast as possible, pulled steve on his sleeve outside the shop and locked it. steve didn't care  they left their undone work behind. they could take care of it tomorrow. he just really, really, really wanted to go home now.

"you sure you can drive, steve?", robin checked on him as soon as he started the car but he just nodded.

"yeah, i'll be fine don't worry. i guess it's just that all the stress which gathered inside of my head in the past few weeks feels the need to get out right fucking now so getting in my bed will already be helpful", steve gave his passenger a little smile to not make her worry about him too much before stepping on the gas.

after a few minutes he arrived at robin's house and stopped right in front of the door.

"i am being serious, steve. if anything is wrong, please don't hesitate to call me, okay? i will come right over as soon as you tell me"

"thank you, robin. but i am sure if i'll just go to sleep earlier than usual i will feel much better tomorrow", the young man assured and waited until robin knocked on the door and got in before driving to his house. he didn't like to call it his "home". if it was someone's home it would most likely be steve's parents home. however, since when was a home an empty place without their owner's and instead just a place to live for their son?

"this house is no one's home", steve mumbled when he got out of his car and starred at the huge building for a few seconds. he unlocked the wooden door and entered it, heavy silence welcoming him. if he had at least a dog or even a cat, he wouldn't feel so alone when he entered this house but his parents forbid him to get one. steve often had considered breaking this rule. they wouldn't notice steve would have got one for a veeeryy long time. but considering steve's luck, his parents would most likely come back the day after he would get a pet and then he'd definitely have a big problem.

steve sighed, took his shoes of and went in the kitchen to boil water for a cup of tea. while the water was heating up, steve turned on the tv in the living room to check out a few channels which might interest him. even though he couldn't find anything immediately, steve decided to get his cup of tea before continuing his search. so he got up and spilled a bit of the hot water on his hand.

"god damn it! i just want this fucked up day to end!", steve cursed before drying his hand with a towel and instead of putting an icepack on the red burned skin, he put a teabag in his cup and sat back down in the living room.

while using one hand to hold the remote and clicking farer through the channels, steve held his cup in the other hand while blowing his cold breath on it to make it cool down at least a little bit. he was about to turn off the tv when all out of a sudden he got stuck on a channel which played a live concert of a band. steve didn't know the song or the band, in fact he had never seen them before but he sighed and decided that this was the most interesting the tv seemed to offer this evening.

the music the band played was loud. really loud, actually. steve would probably, with no further knowledge, categorize them as a rock-metal group and even though he didn't really listen to it before he caught himself bopping his hand with the rhythm only after a few minutes while emptying his cup sip for sip.

in that moment, steve didn't care about how he would handle the situation with jason tomorrow or how he didn't finish all of his math homework. it was too comfortable to worry about any of that. instead, steve put the cup on the couch table and sank deeper in the warm blanket. he closed his eyes and only concentrated on the music playing in the background.

"was this really what eddie listened to?", steve thought and his thoughts turned back to the eye contact he and eddie shared today at lunch. the feeling to drown in those honey brown eyes made steve calm down all of a sudden. even if eddie listened to this kind of music, his aura was messy but comfortable. steve chuckled about himself. his own behaviour and thoughts always got really weird when he was firstly tired and secondly on his own.

steve remembered to check his watch one more time before drifting in his sleep. the tv kept playing music in the background.

okay i PROMISE there will be more steddie action in the next one and i am aware that this chapter might not be as good as the other ones but i went to class for my driver's license yesterday (after i published my last chapter) and now i just stayed up the entire night (it's currently 6AM) because it's just too hot and it's supposed to be 40C* today :[

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