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the next school day went by and when steve finally packed his math notes and calculator in his bag he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"thank god! one more minute and i would have taken the window exit", he mumbled to himself before leaving the class room.

the corridors were almost empty again since his teacher exceeded the lesson. steve walked towards his locker which was only a few steps away. after he unlocked it, he put his math and geography book back and was about to close the metal lock again, when he noticed something.

he reached for the few magnets on the inside of the door and took one off. it was a small guitar. steve couldn't hold back a smile. it seemed that wherever he went, eddie would follow him in some way. obviously not really follow him. but the more steve got to know eddie, the more steve found things which reminded him of the metalhead.

he put the little magnet back and shut the door. with his now way lighter backpack steve made his way down to the parking lot. standing in front of his car, he looked around, trying to find robin but it seemed that the red- head wasn't here yet. instead, he noticed how jason and his basketball team members walked towards him.

"fuck", steve mumbled under his breath while leaning against the bonnet. for a second steve considered to get into his car and avoid the upcoming situation but it wouldn't help him much since he still had to wait for robin and couldn't just leave.

"hey, harrington!", jason called him when he was only a few meters away "remember, tomorrow is chrissy's birthday!"

steve didn't know what he was supposed to answer to that statement. "yes?", "i know?", "you told me?" so he simply nodded and crossed his arms, preparing for jason to throw a punch or yell at him about the last time they met. but nothing happened. he didn't even bother to stop walking. he just left. no mean words about himself or eddie, no slurs. nothing but a weird smirk on the other men's faces. however, steve didn't know if that was a good or a bad sign. maybe he would have actually preferred the mean words than those questionable smirks.

when jason and his team passed by and started their own cars, steve shook his head confused. it was jason. he always had those weird smiles or facial expressions. it was nothing new and he shouldn't overthink it. even though he told himself that and tried to suppress the overthinking thoughts, there was still this tiny part of him that they had something on their minds.

"hey, steve! are you okay?", steve got pulled out of his thoughts and watched how eddie ran towards him. "i saw that jason and his companions talked to you. are you okay?"

"yeah, yeah i am fine. surprisingly, they didn't do anything"

steve watched how eddie' worried expression went to pure confusion and his eyebrows were scrunched together.

"believe me i am just as confused as you are", steve added but the other male just shrugged his shoulders.

"i don't care. as long as they didn't do anything, there's nothing to worry about. i was actually looking for you to ask if you want to come over to my trailer to continue with the project", eddie asked and moved the palms of his hands slowly against each other. steve noticed that eddie's fingernails were painted black which suddenly released a warmth inside steve which creeped from his toes to his face.

fuck. that was attractive.

"uhm- yeah? i mean, yes sure? i don't have to work today", steve stumbled across his own words trying to rip his eyes of eddie's hands. he couldn't deny that eddie's hands with rings were already weirdly attractive but eddie's hands with rings and black nail polish- that was just a different level.

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