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steve woke up by the sound of pots clanking. still being half asleep he sat up on the couch and pushed away the blanket.

"eddie?", steve spotted the other male standing at the kitchen counter with two pots stacked in his one hand while trying to balance two cups in his other one.

"sorry, did i wake you up?", eddie placed the things on the table before walking towards the couch steve sat on.

"nah don't worry. what are you even doing though?", steve asked confused while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"coffee. i thought you needed some after last night"

"yeah, sure definitely right about that", steve chuckled and got up "but i will do that as a thanks for helping me"

eddie was about to protest but steve just put his hands on eddie's shoulders and forced him to sit down on the couch.

"alright thanks steve", eddie leaned back and crossed his arms while watching steve go towards the kitchen.

steve stood in front of the kitchen counter and took one of the pots and filled water in it. afterwards he placed it on the range and turned on the heat. while the water was starting to boil, steve was opening one shelf after another to look for the coffee powder but he couldn't find it.

"hey, eddie", steve turned around to the couch.

"hm?", eddie looked up from a small book in his hands.

"where's the coffee powder? i can't find it"

"second shelf from the left", eddie said and steve pointed at the one he guessed eddie meant.

"nono, the small one underneath", eddie pointed from the couch on the one he was talking about.

"but i just checked that one and i couldn't find it!", steve shrugged his shoulders confused.

"let me take a look", eddie said and got up from the couch.

"no, it's fine i will check the other shelves again", steve protested and tried to stop eddie but the male was already reaching above steve's shoulders for the shelf, capturing steve against the kitchen counter. while steve felt his cheeks getting warm and he started to fidget with his fingers, eddie seemed unbothered and simply reached for something next to steve's head in the shelf.

"now look at that! what did i tell you stevie boy, hm?", eddie confidently shook the glass bottle of coffee powder in his right hand.

"i- i swear it wasn't there when i checked! it really wasn't!", steve tried to defend himself while eddie just grinned at steve's panicked hand gestures and his rosy cheeks. after a few seconds steve gave up and when he payed more attention to eddie's facial expressions he had to admit that eddie seemed to be very aware of what kind of impact he had on steve.

for a few seconds it was silent between steve and eddie. steve intensively stared at the ground praying for a big hole to open up under his feet and save him from steve's sudden realization.

steve felt attraction towards eddie.

not the kind people felt when they passed a good looking stranger on the street.

and also not the one when someone said something extremely smart.

more like the kind people felt towards someone they want to spend time with, late nights, early mornings, car rides with the music turned up or watching sunsets at the beach.

steve gulped while remembering eddie kissing his hair last night. he was about to fall into his panicked overthinking hole when eddie's voice interrupted his train of thoughts.

"the water is boiling", eddie looked above steve's shoulder and he immediately turned around to turn off the heat.

"is everything okay?", eddie asked worried while handing steve two pot holders.

"yeah, i am fine. just thinking", steve shook his head while picking up the pot and pour the water in the two cups. eddie already took a spoon and added the coffee powder while steve put the pot back on the range to let it cool down.

"let's drink this and then afterwards we can continue with the project. it's already 10.30am and if we want to meet up with your friend at his internship we shouldn't go too late", eddie said while sitting back down on the couch.

"wait- there's no way it's 10.30 already! why didn't you wake me earlier? i didn't even tell robin that she'd have to go to school herself!", steve paced through the room, one hand holding the full cup of coffee while the other grabbed his hair. "now, she's probably mad because she didn't get to school on time", he continued ranting while eddie just watched steve with an amused smile on his face.

"okay, mom steve mode activated", eddie joked.

"not funny!", steve exclaimed and stopped pacing abruptly which made his coffee spill over and burn steve's hand. "ugh! shitshitshit!", he ran to the kitchen sink and held his burned hand under the cold water.

"alright, stevie and now we're gonna calm down and you let me explain, alright?", eddie's voice appeared next to steve's ear while he put his hands on steve's waist from behind. eddie's gesture was probably supposed to make steve calm down but instead caused the exact opposite.

"robin called this morning, asking me if i knew where you were. so i told her that you are at my trailer but you wouldn't come today since you had quite an eventful night. then she told me that vickie would take her to school but you should call her. that's it. no need to panic"

steve was at a loss of words. what even was he supposed to answer to that?

eddie let go of steve's waist and instead reached for the burned hand. it was nothing big, just a red spot between the thumb and the index finger.

"this is what happens if you panic, steve", eddie sighed before letting go of steve's hand and instead put his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. "something that would never happen to me"

steve rolled his eyes jokingly before pushing eddie to the side, grabbing his coffee mug and sitting on the couch.

"of course it wouldn't", steve laughed and eddie joined him.

steve and eddie emptied their cups pretty quickly and after steve went to the bathroom and changed his clothes, both of them continued with their project.

"alright we just have to check the time once in a while. dustin told me he had to work until 3pm so we could pick him up afterwards. it's only a fifteen minutes ride anyway", steve explained and eddie nodded.

"sounds good. now let's get to work. i think it's best to start off with explaining my ideas and concept to you so you really understand in which direction we're going, alright?"

"yeah sure", steve answered while searching for the page in his college block eddie wrote on yesterday, trying to ignore the weird yet exciting feeling in his stomach.

what do we think about this chapter?because i am not sure. ik it's a little late but i literally had the worst stomach ache yesterday and i almost broke my neck today after getting out of the shower and slipping on this one wet spot on the floor.  wouldn't have been that great tbh. i mean: i wouldn't be able to continue this story.

anyway: did i already mention that i saw joseph in london? or well i am like 99,99% sure and i wasn't able to check cuz i was on the bus and i saw him walking on the street.

music project - steddieWhere stories live. Discover now