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"alright i know it's like four in the morning but would you mind going to robin's later? i really need to talk to her"

"of course, stevie boy. but are you feeling okay right now?", eddie asked carefully while cleaning the rest of tomato sauce from his plate with a piece of toast.

steve's eyes wandered around the messy room. it wasn't as bad as the first time he saw it, but it was still horrible especially with the background knowledge why it looked like that in first place.

he sighed and squeezed his eyes for a few seconds, trying his best to hold back the stress tears, before he looked back in eddie's direction.

"yeah, i mean, i guess i am alright"

eddie pushed his completely clean plate away from him and got up from his chair. he made his way around the kitchen's island and placed his hands on steve's shoulders.

"you know you always, always can talk to me. you're my boyfriend, steve. i care about you. and i don't want you to fell left alone in this fucked up situation"

blush creeped above steve's cheeks as soon as he realized what he had been told. what the words of eddie meant. that at least one single person was with him and wanted to help him.

it was a comforting yet unfamiliar feeling but steve decided to trust it. of course, robin had always helped him, never even thought twice when he really needed her, but the support from your best friend and the support from your partner were two completely different things.

"thank you, ed. i am so glad i have you", steve leaned forward and placed a quick peck on eddie's lips which left a big smile afterwards.

"again", eddie simply said and it took steve a second to understand.

"no, i haven't finished my food, yet", steve teased and turned on his chair towards the table. however, hands grabbed him from behind just when he was about to put in fork in his mouth.

"h-hey!", steve couldn't control his laugher escaping his mouth from the tickling and even though he tried to escape the other male's hands, he had to admit that just catching his breath between the laughing was already hard enough.

"sto- stop!!", steve tried to signal eddie, still trying to get away.

"sorry, i think i didn't quite catch that", eddie said clueless but steve could hear the teasing in his voice.

"alright! al-alright! i surrender, i surrender!", steve gave up, feeling stitches in his sides.

eddie's hands stopped tickling him but didn't move away from steve's waist.

"now! you said you would surrender!", eddie exclaimed making his voice sound like one of these knights in movies who just defeated his opponents "now, you better give me my price or the fight will have no end!"

steve couldn't help a chuckle before kneeling down on one knee in front of eddie, taking part in eddie's game.

"that's right, sir. now, if you want your price you have to bow down!", steve said in a deeper voice while watching the metalhead following his request. he bowed down to him and steve cupped his face before pressing his lips on eddie's. steve already parted their lips again when eddie suddenly held steve's neck in a strong grip, pushing them back together.

steve melted into the kiss. it still felt unreal, like he was still dreaming or maybe being in a parallel universe, but neither did he wake up or felt like being pulled back to reality. none of it occurred. it was real. both of them as well as this moment.

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