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at the beginning, it was somewhat difficult for steve to follow up on eddie's explanations and understand his way of thinking and working. however, after a few hours steve and eddie were both deeply invested in finding a good rhythm while writing every now and then single lines for the lyrics on the messy college block paper. 

"alright, alright what if we would change it to this deeper tone and then for the refrain we will use a higher pitch so that there's basically a kind of "beat drop"?", eddie suggested and steve excitedly nodded.

"that's great! because then we'd have a good connection between the verse and the refrain!"

"okay, cool", eddie reached for the pen and scribbled it down. meanwhile steve stretched his arms and checked his watch.

"oh, uhm, eddie? it's already 2.20pm. if we're going to pick up dustin we should leave in around 20 minutes if that's alright?", steve suggested while watching the other male play a few chords on his guitar.

"yeah sure. we've worked enough already so i would have suggested to finish up for today anyway", eddie put his guitar on the table and got up from his chair.

"god, i completely forgot! do you want to eat something? i can't offer a lot but what about a sandwich or cereal?", eddie said and when steve turned around on his chair he saw him holding up a bag of toast and a package of cereal.

"i'll eat a sandwich, thanks", steve smiled and had to hold back a laughter about the panicked face of the other.

"okay, since you made the coffee, i'll make us sandwiches", eddie stated and turned around to the kitchen counter. 

while steve waited, he looked around him until his eyes got stuck on eddie's guitar. he had never even held a guitar in his hand let alone played one.

even though he tried to hold back the urge, steve reached for the black instrument and went with his fingers above the rough strings. only very silent sounds were heard before steve won more courage and pulled the instrument closer to him. steve let it on the table but playfully plucked every string one after the other. a shy smile slowly spread on his face while he repeated the plucking over and over again, listening to the quiet sounds the strings spread in the room.

"you're having fun?", eddie's voice suddenly asked. steve put his head back and spotted eddie hovering above him. his long curls tickled steve's cheeks and his eyes were not able to break the eye contact with the honey- brown ones. steve let go of the guitar strings and instead reached up to eddie's face, slowly placing it on his cheek.

"eddie is so pretty", steve thought and gulped, suddenly scared eddie might feel weird about his actions. quickly, steve pulled his hand back and turned his head down just to stare at the guitar which still laid on the table in front of him. 

"steve?", eddie slowly asked

"hm?", stress sweat started to form on steve's face and he fiddled nervously with his fingers. 

now i destroyed everything, again. 

"it's okay. i am not mad", eddie's soft voice said before steve felt how he placed his hands on steve's shoulders from behind. 

relief as well as uncertainty spread through steve's body. even though he was glad eddie said that, there was still a chance he just said that to not make steve feel like the worst person ever.

"let me show you something", eddie's voice suddenly continued "take the guitar and place it above your thighs", he instructed and without a second thought, steve did as he was told. 

"good job, stevie. now let's try something new, hm", eddie said and let his hands slide down from steve's shoulders to his hands. he placed his left hand above steve's left hand and placed his ring-, middle- and index finger on specific strings while steve just followed, not having a single idea what to do himself.

"okay, darling and now you're just gonna-", eddie instructed and steve's brain wasn't even able to process the nickname since eddie already took his right hand and strum the guitar strings. a nice sound followed and steve was in awe. it sounded so cool! 

"you see? you've done that all by yourself!", eddie excitedly exclaimed and when steve looked up to him he saw how eddie put his hands up in the air while dancing a little dance.

steve started laughing and eddie continued dancing to the kitchen counter, grabbing the two plates with their sandwiches and happily bouncing back to the table. 

"bon appetit!", eddie said with a wide grin on his face when he put down steve's plate in front of him.

"thanks, ed!", steve gave eddie a thankful smile while the other sat down next to him and took a bite from the food.

"no problem", eddie mumbled with his mouth filled. usually, steve's mom instincts would have told him to point out manners but he pushed that thought away quickly. 

"by the way, i saw that you have dnd books in your room. do you play it with someone?", steve asked after swallowing.

"oh yeah! i love dnd! however, i wasn't able to play it in quite a long time since i don't know anyone who would play it with me. do you play dnd or why are you asking?", steve spot a spark of hope in eddie's eyes which made his heart skip a few beats.

"oh, sorry to hear that, no i don't play it. however, the friend we're about to visit and his other three friends are literally obsessed with it since i don't even know- a very long time!"

"really?!", eddie jumped from his chair "that's amazing!! i will definitely ask him! oh god it's about to get crazy! thanks for telling me!", steve was pulled in a short back hug before sitting back down, however this time jitterily moving his feet.

when eddie and steve finished their sandwiches, it was already time to go so they put on their shoes and sat in steve's car.

"i am really excited to meet your dustin friend now!", eddie exclaimed and steve turned to the other man.

"i am glad you are", steve smiled while starting the car. 

and even though steve tried to hide the truth and his feelings towards eddie, he knew that if he didn't tell eddie about it and get rejected, a very painful time awaited him. but then there were all those little moments he shared with eddie which gave him the slightest hope that maybe, just maybe, eddie liked him at least a little the way he did. 

notice: i probably won't be able to update everyday. 

i am really struggling with my mental health, burnouts and low self esteem rn. additionally, i have my finals in eight months and one of my best friends seems to not want to stay in touch anymore. so basically- i am overthinking everything rn and feel like drowning 24/7. 

however, i would never give up on this book since a lot of you are enjoying it so even though i won't update everyday doesn't mean that i will forget about this book <3 updates will come every two days instead :)

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