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Chriselli pov

I threw some money down on the bar and signaled the bartender I was done and headed for the door to leave. I had a witch to find so I needed to hurry before this music hypnotized me to stay. A part of bar was a club and from the looks of the place, it was starting to pick up.

I let out a sigh, glancing out onto the dance floor on my way out. Looking at the mixture of supernatural’s dancing. They were all out on the dance floor moving their bodies to the beat. A couple of fairies were lost in each other’s arms and around the side there were a vampire dancing with a human. Humans were allowed in here but they had to be claimed by whoever brings them. Occasionally we would have humans wonder in here by mistake, things didn't end pretty for them. I never realized what creatures of the night were out there. I mean vamps, demons, witches, fairies and many more that I’m learning about. Looking back at the dance floor I can't help to think how much, I enjoy dancing.

Dancing! Man, I miss it! I whined. I remember begging my adoptive parents to let me take classes and I was ecstatic when they said yes. I even won a few competitions; I made it a goal to learn all forms of dances and techniques I think that’s what help me in winning a few. This bar was alluring I find myself here quite a bit whether I was just here for a drink or out on the dance floor, dancing with whoever finds me.

I didn't sleep with guys I met here just danced, sometimes things did get heated like heavy petting or kissing. It wasn't pushed further at least not on my part. I don't have time for relationships and besides Mikhail was so strict, I had a hard time keeping things from him. Of course he would find out, he just had this way and let’s not forget he can read my mind. Although I've learned I can do it too. Yep!! Courtesy of being a werewolf!!!. I couldn't help but laugh at some of the things I did get away with Mikhail.

This bar was called the Houndstooth; it was one of the few places creatures can go out and party. There is a rule here that you can't fight with other species and this place was meant to be a sanctuary where we can party. I know it’s protected by some sort of magic, you can feel it at times. If a fight did break out the magic would release and it was ugly for the recipients that were fighting especially if they didn't stop. They say a Great Elf owns this bar and controls it with his powers.

Ugh!!! I murmured realizing I’m getting side tracked. I need to hurry and get to that witch. I need answers especially why she didn't show up here tonight. She better have a good reason for not showing that’s all I got to say.

I walked out the bar into the cool night a crisp cool breeze blew a few strands of my midnight black hair across my face and I went to tuck it behind my ear. I knew my green eyes would brighten like an emerald, whenever the moon came out. Since I became a werewolf, I didn't expect the changes that occurred to my body. I was an average looking girl before the change but I was simple. I had no curves kind of skinny. I had great legs though, from dancing. Now when the change took over, my body curved in all the right areas especially my butt. I was always jealous with girls who had nice butts, so I was relieved that being a werewolf had some perks. I no longer had the baby cheeks in my face. It’s now replaced with high cheek bones. I don't think I’m beautiful or hot but I definitely think I look whole lot better than I did.

The night was beautiful, the moon always made her graceful appearance when it was her turn to shine. She moon lighted over the city. She wasn't even a full moon yet not for another few more days yet she still found a way to relax me. I've learned werewolves can change anytime but when there was full moon it was magical.

Mikhail my guardian whom I learned was a hybrid vampire who meant he was half vampire and werewolf. It was crazy seeing him shift in his wolf form, let me say it’s not all pretty as staring at a normal wolf. They are slightly bigger than a werewolf but when they shift they are more rogue like looking. They are feral and ferocious. They don't have many hair on their body mainly their upper part of their body. The hair is wild and untamed. I guess kind of like when your dog gets into a protective mode and their hair shoots up kind of like that but it stays like that. They stay in feral mode their eyes are blood red and it’s hard to come off the bloodlust they feel when they shift. They don't have to shift completely they can even stop themselves through the shift and only there head has transform into a wolf while their body is still human. Pretty wicked I think. I remember asking him why he didn't transform completely that day he said it was due to the fact when your half vamp and werewolf the bloodlust is strong and it’s very hard to calm yourself down.

I don't know what would have happened to me if Mikhail wasn't there to save me that day. I know I would be lost and in a lot of danger if that wolf got a hold of me. I had shuddered just thinking about it although I'm not scared now. I like to think I can handle myself, if the situation were to happen again. Mikhail definitely was right about me not being the same, I am tougher. When he saved me, he brought me in to his home introduced me to his pack which was very small from my understanding packs tend to be a good size.

He told me about a great war that happened that majority of everyone was wiped out. The only survivors were just werewolves all the great ones like the royals and guardians were destroyed. He did get lucky surviving and to this day he still doesn't understand how but he believes a witch may have had a hand in his fate. He explains he didn't know what started it but that it involved vamps, weres and witches. He told me about the royals and believed that I, maybe one of them. It was just strange that I didn't have any powers though. He said that back then royals were given guardians to protect them because the royals didn't fight but they had powers that helped protect them. I thought it was crazy I wouldn't want to rely on just powers and my guardian. I mean what happens if my guardian wasn't there or my powers were limited how I can defend myself if I didn't know how to fight. I guess Mikhail felt the same because he decided to train me and that I shouldn't rely on anyone.

Boy did he ever!! I never even work this hard in dancing. Every day was a battle running, weights, boxing you name it, he put me through it. So many days I wanted to quit but I pushed through it, mainly because whatever is after me I wanted to be ready. As far as the powers we were clueless on what to do. I guess with my wolf waking up late in life maybe my powers were late too.

Yea!! I couldn't believe that shifting into a werewolf was supposed to happen as early as 6 years old. WHAT!! I didn't believe it!!! The pain wasn't supposed to be that bad when you shifted at a young age mainly due to children have higher tolerance for pain like teething. They say adults would have a very hard time if their teeth grew in when they were adults. That’s why we were program to have our teeth come in as a baby plus I’m pretty sure we would have it that way, then it coming in as adults, that would be hilarious.

Mikhail was great to me, he helped me through the pain. I've really come to love him not romantically but as a brother or best friend. I think he feels the same way sometimes my heart hurts for him. He said that day of the war he though he felt a pull of his mate but so much was going on that day it was hard to search what it was then it was gone. He feels she may have died that day but he wasn't sure. I like to think she got away and is safe with another pack maybe even searching for him too.

Taking in my surroundings and where I needed to be, I quickly stopped to calculated the witch's location. I thought I would of been there by now. Man!! I growled I thought this place was a lot closer. I'm going to have to shift if it gets any later Mikhail is going to have my neck. There's a wooded park near here, I can shift there. I can cut a lot of time and get there quicker, going in wolf form. I have to be careful when shifting it can alert another pack if I happened to be trespassing and I hope this is not part of their territory.........

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