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2 years later........

Sounds of twigs breaking as my feet came in contact with the ground as I ran in the woods. I was searching for a wanted rogue. This rogue has become a nuisance, needing to be stopped and taken in. It was my job to collect them, take back to the base, where they will then face trial with their kind or whoever placed the bounty. This guy killed an earth fairy, not just any fairy but one of the daughters of the King of her tribe. This bounty was big. Finally picking up his scent, not wanting to make any more noise, I steadily climbed the tree to wait. Apparently from a tip received, he lives here, just have to wait until he shows up. I rested on a large branch extended out of the large tree to wait for the evading rogue. Standing above the ground on top of a branch, I noticed a hidden little cave underneath me. Next to a tree across from where I was at, the leaves covered it perfectly, camouflaging it from the naked eye. While waiting for the rogues return, I felt the presence of the magic illuminating the sky. The sounds of the animals died out and a soft whistle of the wind was all that I can hear. It was a beautiful night out, especially bringing a rogue in, loving the thrill of a catch while I silently stalked my prey. Quietly breathing in, stilling the beating of my heart. As I planted myself on the branch, I couldn't help think about my team and how we had come to be a family. Each of us different but somehow creating a unique pack. 

Ever since Mikhail took me in and trained me, I became one of his unusual members of the pack. We were different, each run aways or had a troubled back story. We weren't evil, just no longer under authority of what our lines governed us to be. We live by our own rules. So joining together we created a unique pack filled with different supernaturals. Mikhail our leader is a hybrid, my guardian, he is part vampire and werewolf. Janie is a light fairy, her skills with a sword are outstanding, I like to think were best of friends out of the group. Daniel a werewolf, the tracker in our group, he can scout out anything separating and distinguishing any type of scent. I guess that's why he is such a ladies man too.  Now, Araceli she was a vampire, an old one from my understanding. Even though she will never tell her age but supposedly she is over 1000 years. She had the ability of sight, apparrently she has powers which would make her a pure vampire but she doesn't talk much about herself, hiding her secrets and powers. Marco is a demon, he is always mischievous, playing jokes, he can be annoying at times but he seems to be loyal. He was also an amazing cook and was always coming with something gourmet,  like it was professionally made. Then there is me, my bloodline is from the Adolphian line but I'm not sure mainly because my powers haven't come in. Mikhail says I am but I still have doubts, although I notice a few characteristics that set me apart from other wolves like being able to read anyone's mind even if I'm not apart of their pack. I also notice I heal much faster than an average werewolf.

A branch snapped behind me, setting off alarms in my head. He is close by, inhaling his scent for confirmation. I picked his scent off a tip from his lover, nothing like a woman scorn, I smirked. My keen senses picked up that he was moving faster to his cave, couldn't help but smile at what awaits him. As he passes by me underneath the branch I'm perched on, I wait for that perfect second to jumped down behind him. I couldn't help but watch how this wolf lost his instincts. How pathetic, I thought.  What a poor excuse for a werewolf especially a rogue. All they do is live on the run, fighting to survive, as they lived off the land. Oh well. sucks for him, as that right moment came. I steathly jumped from the branch down to the ground, watching as he jerked around so fast. The fear clear in his eyes, as his heart was beating loud and fast. His body hesitated as if he was contemplating his next move, confusion clear in his eyes.

"Let's just make this easy Mark, time to bring you in to face your crimes," I stated although I can feel my wolf get frustrated wanting a fight.

"I don't think so, do you know what the fairy king will do to me for killing his daughter," he cried.

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