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King Darius pov

Mason!!!!!! Get in here now!!!!, I roared.

"Yes your highness you called," Mason answered.

"Yes, call my son tell him he is needed here NOW. There are many things to discuss since your rogues are useless to me," King Darius stated.

"Yes your highness," the rogue stated as he exited the room.

This is soo frustrating!!!! How is this blasted girl slipping away, from the looks of things it should have not been this easy. Moving to the leather brown sofa chair I sat down, resting my back from the long exhausted day leaning my head back as I stared into the ceiling. It’s time to take things in my own hands, since obviously these rogues aren't good for anything. I have her location which turned out to be quite useful since I have spies currently in that pack. I chuckled thinking it is always great to have SPIES. This particular pack though I have quite a few spies mainly when the Great War started, my half brother was associated with King Luke from the Botewolf pack. They were setting up a betrothal that day between their children. Well I know how well that all went. With all them out of the way allowed me to claim loyalties from some of the survivors.

The rest of the survivors proclaimed their loyalties to the next in line for Alpha, Mathias. Although he wasn't royalty like one of the Botewolf pack, he was related by marriage. He is a fine leader managing to rebuild the pack's land from a major disaster the Great War created. I would never tell him that because he growing and rebuilding that pack made him the strongest pack around. Never did I expect that to happen. I still have the advantage because of my knowledge of the secret that girl holds is one of the last of her kind.

It is a good thing majority of them didn't make it which helps me a lot considering if Dario were to find out of my plans. Well he would definitely destroy me and my plans to take over. He wanted the power that the Adolphians had, making him the most powerful vampire to ever live. I'm glad it didn't work out for him. A vampire with powers could destroy many of our kind.

I've been having trouble with keeping rogues on hand, if this girl is not in my possession soon it will delay my process even more. It seems as much as I love spies, having one in my pack does not sit well with me. Every time rogues are sent out to different packs in the area, they are found out before they even arrived. If they managed to destroy other pack's defenses, it’s only rebuilt by their pack when we go to attack. This is troubling news, not very happy with the turn of events. I must find the traitor, which will be dealt with in a slow PAINFUL manor.

Tomorrow night is a full moon, deciding that I will take advantage of it, striking the Botewolf pack. I will send ten or more rogues out tonight to attack since the alpha and beta would be gone. That will allow me to strike when they least expect it, while they are preparing for the feast. This is the perfect opportunity, allowing me the chance to take what belongs to me. The pack's defenses have been taken down yesterday as planned so getting in will not be too hard.

I just need everything to go as planned, and then everything will finally be in motion. I will take over the pack with the power I create with that girl's blood. Then I will have control of both the Botewolf pack and the Adolphians. I already took control of the castle of Adolphia which was easy; seeming there was hardly anyone here.

Ha!!! I can only imagine what King Alexander would have thought finding out I took over his throne. The changes to this castle are for the better. The servants are loyal, for the most part, mainly due to me threatening them. Once my army is built I will be able to wipe out the packs one by one. My name will forever be remembered.

With the power of the Adolphian I can create guardians. I will force Chriselli to be my son’s mate, so he will inherit  power. Then my grandchildren will also gain power that way I can raise them like me. The power is so close I can feel it. Now, where this is blasted son of mine so I can start setting things in motion, I roared.

“I am here," the son replied entering the room.

Yes, I see. It seems things are coming together for you on the pack's land, making a name for yourself. Well I need your assistance in kidnapping the girl. My rogues will be creating a diversion attacking the land, if they happened to come across the girl. Well they are instructed to kidnap her if the opportunity were to arise. If not during the diversion I will need you to kidnap her. Is that understood? the King replied.

"Yes father." the man replied.

"Good. Here is some wolfs bane from the witches garden to drug her. This will prevent her from using her powers slowing down, keep in mind this will only be temporary. The drug doesn't last long on a royal, so use it wisely. Now go." the King demanded.

The man nodded his head in agreement as he walked out the door.

Now to put the plan in motion, thinking that a surprise attack tonight would be great. If this doesn't work, I will send out another attack tomorrow. I can no longer waste any more time on this matter. 


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