Chapter 17

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The party was beautifully prepared, from the gorgeous bouquets of white flowers to the elaborate spread of delectable foods. They created a large circle of large plants and tents, that created this well put together enclosure. Then around one corner was a half moon shaped table that displayed a grand assortment of delicious food. There were baskets of fruit, cheese spreads, plates of Chilean sea bass, skewers of meat and loaves of bread. There were already a gathering of pack members filling there plates with the delicious food. This pack of warm loving Weres were just amazing, how they came together and formed this elaborate festivity was truly wonderful. The pack had decided to set this up in the courtyard just near the school and the town housing. In the fields where the children tend to play, it had a lot of open space for a party to take place.  In the corner, the children gathered around booths that were set up to play games. There were many types of games that you would normally play at a carnival. The children were laughing and playing and seem to enjoy the festivities too.  I just couldn't help but smile and seeing how happy everyone looked.

On the other side from where the children gathered, they had other booths set up. Towns people were making jewelry,  blankets and sweets. Scents of caramel,  honey and lavender filled the air. The town were enjoying themselves as well, taking part in the festival. My eyes caught a few members of my pack, joining in with the others. They were mingling so well, as if we all just belonged here. I couldn't help but notice Marco near the food, of course.  Janie and Araceli was chatting with some of the young warriors that were caught up in this mornings fiasco. Im just glad things didn't take a wrong turn. Although, I couldnt help but feel sorry for those young boys again. They wouldn't be able to handle those to women. I just chuckled and turned to noticed a bunch of separate tables for guests to sit and enjoy and eat. I caught Lydia and her family in one of those tables. She was holding her new grandbaby and arguing with her son, playfully. It was beautiful seeing Lydia with her family,  I couldn't help but wish that was me. Shaking the tears quickly from my eyes and turned towards the center of the party, I caught Maddie's attention. 

Maddie was smiling and seemed to really be enjoying herself. She appeared to be dancing with someone on the dance floor but I couldn't see who it was. All the movement on the dance floor seemed to block the face of her partner. Back and forth, they all danced, laughing and singing along. Finally,  just as they came around the corner,  I was able to catch the person she was dancing with. It was none other than my pack member slash ladies man, Danny. Uh oh,  I thought.  This is not good, especially how much of a ladies man Danny is. I need to talk to Maddie and warn her later. As of right now, I didn't want to take that happiness from her. She deserved this moment, a normal life just like any young woman. I looked around on the dance floor to see if anyone else caught my eye and mainly because I wanted to distract myself from those two. Thats when I had spotted Mathias,  he was dancing with one of the older women I met before, Margaret.  I smiled at how cute they looked, it was like a mother- son moment at a wedding reception.   My heart tugged a bit at the thought because of his past and his family,  as well. He must of sensed me watching him because at that moment we locked eye contact. I was frozen, our eyes latched on to each other as if it was just the two us in this place. I couldn't help but think how handsome he looked, his body just formed seductively in his clothes.  I couldn't help but admire this Alpha. He is so strong, brave and loyal to these people. He held gentleman like qualities, from his behavior to his mannerisms. From the moment he picked me up at the house, he treated me like a lady. He kept my arm wrapped around his the whole time as we gradually walked around the festival.  He introduced me to more members of the pack that I haven't met yet.  We snacked on sweets and enjoyed enjoyed a glass of wine together.  We ventured towards the booths with the array of colors of mixed jewelry. Mathias had picked out a beautiful necklace that paired beautifully with my dress. I couldn't help but admire the sweet gesture. Then we headed towards the table of food and packed our plates with whatever our taste buds can handle. We took a seat on a bench just under a willow tree and leaned our backs gracefully against the tree. We enjoyed our meal and then kicked back to chat about each others past. We may of not discussed our pain but we did have a heart-felt conversation about ourselves and what we enjoy. It was nice to see that side of Mathias again. I could only think that this is truly how he is. This person was so different than when we first met. I was starting to see and understand that he really represented all these qualities everyone said he had. I  know I haven't been here long but sometimes you can just tell what type of qualities a person has just by a small conversation. He really was meant to be a leader but I couldn't helped to think could I.

I was so caught up in the moment,  staring at him that I didn't catch the nudge at my back.  Carrick abruptly bear hugged me from behind, lifting me up off the ground.  He caught me completely off balance that I was almost startled. I must have been caught up thinking about Mathias, I didn't think to stay aware of my surroundings. What is wrong with me, I thought.  I never been so off balance with these type of things. If it wasn't Mathias, it was now Carrick that put me off track.  He handed me, what looked to be a glass of wine. I politely took it, taking a sip, more like a gulp. Although I can honestly say, I probably should put this down. After the last few days, I think I deserve to be a little mischief and besides I am not driving. I decided to quickly finish the rest of this wine before I decided to change my mind and politely thanked Carrick for being mainly a bad influence right now.

"Well hello there, Carrick!," I giggled. What are you up to this evening besides you trying to get me in trouble?, I questioned.

"Well, I think you do that pretty well yourself," he laughed. I want to show you something Chriselli but it's outside of these walls. Do you want adventure outside for a moment. I promise it won't be too long," said Carrick.

I replied yes and he grabbed my hand, pulling me close to him. I couldn't help but take in his scent, making my stomach uneasy. I couldn't tell if it was butterflies or nerves or that maybe this is wrong. I shouldn't feel this way towards him. He just smiled at me and chuckled as he pulled me towards the front gates.

I stopped for a brief moment as we moved farther away from the party. Carrick looked at me and questioned my behavior. I couldn't help to feel that I should maybe let Mathias know where we are headed, just in case he went looking. He just assured me that this would not take long and we will be back before the festivities were over. He told me he found something that I may be interested to see and that it may of been in relation to my dad.

I couldn't help but wondered what it could be. I guess it wouldn't take long and that Carrick would get me back in time. My stomach felt a little uneasy again but I thought it's just the wine. Let's hurry Carrick as we picked up the pace, closing in on the front gates exiting the packs territory.

All I can think of is how I hoped this is another clue....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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