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July 27 XX08

Entering Pokemon Center, Katana's gaze swept the interior of the Pokemon Center.

The inside look very high-tech. As soon as you enter, you can see a counter where there are booths that have a pink-haired Nurse Joy stationed. 

A PokeBall was hanged for everyone to see, it was recognizable as it was commonly seen for every Pokemon Trainer. Red and White ball is the sign used by the Pokemon League.

Behind the counter is the hospital where unauthorized person are not allowed. That place is where Pokemon is treated and have check-up.

To the side of the hall are the seats and a large television can be seen for everyone to see while waiting. Another side are computed booths that are open for everyone.

A stairs can be seen at two ends of the room where it leads to second floor, the canteen. Not everyone can go though, only for League Trainers.

Katana and Gastly didn't know much about the Pokemon Center so she took a booklet where a map was drawn and some introductions. 

The battlefield is behind the Pokemon Center where anyone can issue challenges and battle.

She then walk towards the entrance to the battle arena with Gastly following after her.

"The battle arena was outside. Let's see how Pokemon Battles happened." Katana whispered to Gastly as they walk.

Gastly is also curious because the battle he knew is for survival in the wild. There is no arena or referee.

'~Jie ~Jie!', he happily responded

The arena was packed with people. She joined the crowd and found out that the battle had a bet included so everyone was interested.

There are many battle ground and the center was the biggest where Junior Trainers are the least requirement.

Rookie Trainer can only fight on the smaller battlegrounds, their fights are also not that exciting and very long because they are just starting and have not much experience.

A match just ended when Katana and Gastly entered. She can see people talking loudly and yelling something she didn't quite understand.

In the battlefield, there is a man and a woman. The match is about to begin.

The woman have a long wavy black hair that reach her waist. 

The woman immediately pulled a PokeBall from her waist belt where 4 PokeBall is seated when the Referee yelled 'Start'.

She threw the PokeBall into the battlefield with a perfect posture. Katana knew that the woman is good because not everyone understand the importance of having perfect posture of throwing PokeBall where it is easy to throw and collect the PokeBall, specially in battle.

The PokeBall rolled then a red flash came out when the Pokeball opened. A cat shaped emerge in the red flash then after the red flash vanished, an elegant feline Pokemon appeared.

The PokeBall automatically went back to the woman's outretch hand.

It was cool, Katana's eyes twinkled like stars.

The Pokemon has a pointed, whisker-like protrusion on each cheek. Its purple ears have three tufts of fur at the tips, and there is a purple ruff-like collar with pin-like extensions around its neck. It has slim legs with tiny, digitless paws. It also possesses a purple, flower-like tuft of hair on the end of its thin tail.


Katana thought of the Pokemon's description on the book.

Delcatty, the Prim Pokemon. Normal type, Pokemon evolved from Skitty.  It prefers to do as it pleases at its own pace, so its daily routine is random. It is popular among female Trainers and used in competitions for its style and sublime fur. It is nocturnal and active at dusk.

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