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Verdanturf Town, Evershire Castle, Experimental Room

Katana always make Gastly a salad as his food. A mixture of berries, some herb and a specially made sauce by her that Gastly like.

The berries was sliced by her into four, the herb is like a leaf which Katana just cut into little pieces.

The Sauce which was experimented by her when she's trying to make a potion as a Pokemon Food for Gastly is called Violet Cloud. The name seems nice but it was because the potion which is now the sauce looks like a Violet Cloud that is trapped in the liquid.

It taste good, Gastly told her. She was tempted to try but a Ghost-type Pokemon food is harmful to human so she really don't dare to have a taste.

Katana told Fred that she will give him the finish product tomorrow. She put the ingredients on one side as she started to make Gastly's Violet Cloud Salad. She didn't bother thinking of the salad's name so she just named it after the sauce she used to the salad.

The Sauce was gone yesterday so she needed to make a new one today.

She had Gastly collect berries outside while she went to get the herbs and ingredients she'll need.

A Purple Blood Worm, commonly found in a place where Ghost-type energy is rich. It looks like a purple bloody worm but it was actually a tree log that mutated into this. It was said that it soak in a ghost-type pokemon blood for years before mutating.

A Poppy's Heart, a poisonous flower that have a chance evolving into a Pokemon but failed. It was rich in poison-type and Ghost-type energy so it has been in Gastly's diet since the start.

Koffing's Core, a dead peak Rookie Rank that was infinitely near Junior Rank but it didn't manage to evolve or breakthrough. It was good for Gastly as a Koffing is a poison-type Pokemon and it was also a gas race.

Katana was shock to see a dead Pokemon's part in the shop but she found out that a Pokemon's part is rich in energy so it was used to make potion or Pokemon food.

She didn't know where they came from, whether the Pokemon are intentionally killed or what.

Katana realized that the Pokemon League's word, 'Pokemon are humanity's friend', is nothing but a lie.

They use Pokemon whatever they are useful for. As a friend, workers and even as a resources.

She was naive.

The  said three ingredients are the main ingredients she used to make the sauce with some berries on the side for the better taste and balancing the three ingredients together.

She liquified the Purple Blood Worm and Poppy's Heart and boiled it in high heat, then put the Koffing's core to slowly melt and mix in the liquid.

The steps are simple but the actual process is a bit difficult for people without much experience. The heat for liquifying the two materials have a requirements because if it's too high the materials may dissipate or became a waste. 

Then after that you need to watch carefully after you put the Koffing's core because a perfect temperature is needed that will let the core and the liquid mix in harmony.

It was actually satisfying for Katana everytime she finish making the finish product because everytime she do this, she is slowly improving.

From the first try where she waster the materials because she either used too much heat or didn't pay attention to certain details.

Now, her improvements are obvious as she made the Violet Cloud sauce with ease.

Gastly have long arrived beside her as she busied herself making the sauce.

Gastly put the basket full of berries on the side and watch as he drooled in anticipation for his food. Gastly loves the sauce Katana made very much and often think that his sacrifice to taste Katana's terrible experiment product in the past is worth just for him to enjoy this delicious food.

Gastly didn't feel bored watching the process as he make notes in his mind about the process of making the potion.

Gastly shares the same hobby as Katana where they both like reading, training and doing experiments.

It wasn't boring or tiring but fulfilling as they enjoyed the process.

Katana and Gastly is making full use of their time because their journey is nearing and they both wanted to be prepared as much as possible for they didn't know what awaits them outside of the orphanage.

They will depend on each other.

Katana washed the berries and herbs first before cutting it and placing in Gastly's food bowl then she poured the newly made sauce. The potion can last for 10 meals so she quickly sealed the sauce after pouring the right amount in the food.

Violet Cloud Salad in now ready!

"Here's your food Sir Gastly." Katana placed the food bowl in front of Gastly while acting like a waitress to Gastly.

~Jie ~Jie!

Thank you, miss!

Gastly responded laughingly at Katana's act and they both laughed after.

Gastly then dig into his food while Katana prepared to make the Pokemon sauce for Fred's Pokemon. She'll only make the sauce because it is the most troublesome while the berries and herbs can be done easily on the spot.

Floating Lily Flower's Pollen and Petal, Ripe Chico, Pidgeot Feather and Senior Rank Dodrio fallen beak.

The ingredients are mostly flying-type resource and Ripe Chico which is a normal-type resource fruit that is suitable for any rank Pokemon as a side dish.

The Ripe Chico was smashed by her into a pulp and mixed with a MooMoo Milk it became like a chocolate mixture. The liquid was simmered by her for a minute before adding the Floating Lili Petal who quickly dissolved into the liquid.

The liquid then seems to shine like stars and Katana smiled while she slowly soaked the Pidgeot Feather that easily dissolved then followed by the Dodrio Beak that is the most precious material in the batch.

The Dodrio beak doesn't have signs of melting so Katana just waited as she added the Floating Lily's Pollen from time to time.

The slow process lasted fo 6 hours before the Dodrio's beak finally dissolved into the liquid. The pollen was used to balance the violent energy that came from the beak because compared to the other materials it was just too overbearing and the pollen can tame it for some time giving a chance for the liquid to let it mix slowly.

It was a slow process but Katana didn't feel impatient at all as she is happy to successfully make a new product.

The potion is a success and no materials are wasted.

Katana and Gastly, who long finished eating his food and training for the day, observed the newly made potion.

The sauce is a mixture of brown and white that has blue streaks on it. The two color didn't completely mixed but they live in harmony as one. It was magical and Katana admired it with Gastly for a while before calling it a day.

The potion was named by them as Earth and Sky Potion as the brown is the earth and blue and white is the sky. 

It was perfect, Katana proudly thought as she let the sleep take over.


I have an exam tomorrow and I should be reviewing right now, but here I am writing today's chapter.

Wish me luck tomorrow, guys!

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