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Katana has the impulse to go back and kiss the two Whismur because of Gastly's surprise. 

"It's really true that only battle can one progress fast." Katana sighed as she remembered the notes from her ancestors. They always say that battle, especially life and death battle can stimulate a human and Pokemon's potential.

Just from this experience, they already have such gains.

Gastly nodded as he remembered his experience. 

The feeling of suddenly being attacked and the pain from the battle made his adrenaline pump fast. Gastly also thought of what could've happened if he lost the battle. Katana will be in danger then.

Gastly got scared when he thought of that, making him feel spiteful of any person or Pokemon that oppose them.

That was when he successfully learned the much-awaited Spite move, enriching his move set.

Katana and Gastly then walked vigilantly on the silent tunnel, not missing any blindspot in case of being sneaked attack again.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, they finally saw a bright light ahead. Signifying that they are already near the exit of the Rusturf Tunnel.

They finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Come on, Gastly! Faster!" Katana said excitedly and started jogging towards the exit.

Gastly also cheered and kept up with her.

Finally exiting the dark and gloomy tunnel, Katana inhaled the fresh air as another view greeted her. Gastly happily look around at what greeted them after the short but adventurous journey on the Rusturf Tunnel.

It was a forestry, with bushes and trees here and there. The dense foliage is a familiar scenery for the two as they subconsciously relaxed.

"Welcome to Route 116, Gastly!" Katana said happily to her Pokemon who just finished looking around.

Gastly didn't see any danger or other Pokemon or Humans from his scouting.

"Jie~ Jie~ Jie~" Gastly cheered.

Katana laughed, she also looked around and saw nothing special. She took her mobile phone and searched for information about Route 16. Route 16 hosts many Pokemon, so it may be more dangerous than Rusturf Tunnel. 

Luckily, there is no one waiting outside the exit.

"Let's rest a little, buddy. Then we'll try to reach Rustboro City before the sun sets." Katana made arrangement.

It was almost lunch, she can already feel her stomach protesting.  She can already guess that her Pokemon is much more famished than her since he battled earlier. 

Feeling her heartache at remembering the sight of Gastly crushing on the tunnel's wall from the Whismur's Pound. She straight away decided to add more sauce to Gastly's Pokemon salad.

Finding a huge rock just beside the tunnel's exit that is slightly hidden, Katana sat as she started preparing her and Gastly's lunch.

She started making Gastly's first since it is more complicated and from how she saw the suspicious liquid on the Pokemon's mouth which seems to have signs of drool. 

Taking out the ingredients from their container, the cut berries and herbs she prepared before starting their journey. She scoop the right amount into Gastly's personal bowl, then poured the sauce she made especially for Gastly.

The Pokemon salad is nutritious for Pokemon that are both Ghost and Poison types. She can already see the effects on Gastly so she's more motivated to research other ingredients. She will surely create more types for her future Pokemons.

Gastly widened his eyes when he saw the sauce more than the usual amount. He loves the sauce made by Katana, since it was based on his preference and the food made his body healthier and replenishes his energy.

"Jie!" Gastly cheered when he understood that this must be a reward for doing a good job.

Katana giggled.

"Okay, here you go, buddy. Enjoy your meal!"

Then Katana proceeded to take her own lunch box from her bag and started eating.

In the middle of having lunch, Katana inadvertently look around and saw something white from her peripheral vision. 

With a blink, it was gone.

Katana dismissed it as a figment of her imagination and focused on eating her lunch with Gastly.

After eating, they packed up and started their journey again. This time, through the wild forestry of Route 116 that will lead them to their destination, Rustboro City.

Stepping on a somewhat clear road, where signs that it was constantly stepped on, Katana and Gastly enjoyed the breeze and hid away from the sun in the shadows of the trees.

As they walk far from the Rusturf Tunnel, they began to meet other dwellers of the forest. 

Katana pointed at the Bug Pokemon, "Look, Gastly. That's the Joltik Pokemon." She whispered to her partner.

Gastly peeked at the small yellow-colored Pokemon hanging on a tree. 

"Jie~" Gastly whispered back at Katana.

The Joltik Pokemon has its eyes closed, apparently sleeping.

Katana smiled, "Let's go and find other Pokemons, buddy." 

Gastly smiled with his eyes squinting into a line.

Katana didn't forget to remind her naughty Pokemon partner, "But don't rashly say hi, okay?"

The ghost Pokemon hehe'd at her words.

They continued walking and met other Pokemon on the way. Most are sleeping on their nests, some are foraging on for food. Katana and Gastly didn't bother anyone, they merely took a few glances before going on their way.

Katana did this for fear of attracting any ire from the native wild Pokemon. 

When Katana estimated that they are near the end of Route 116, they encountered a block on their path.

A Poochyena that looks thin and emaciated appeared in their sight. The hungry and desperate look on its face hit Katana in her heart. 

This- how can this Pokemon look so... abused?

The Poochyena growled threateningly at her and Gastly. 

Katana knew that she didn't have the time to hold sympathy for an opponent right now. So she commanded Gastly who is already in position.

The Poochyena saw the opponent move so she immediately use its most familiar move Bite.

Seeing this, Katana didn't hesitate any longer and commanded, "Gastly, use Payback and then Lick!"

The Poochyena bit on Gastly heavily, Gastly endured the pain as he finished using Payback and now Lick at the Poochyena.

Gastly tasted the fur and blood after using Lick, making him frown in distaste and confusion inside.

The Poochyena can feel its body receiving damage, but before it became paralyzed Fire Fang on Gastly who didn't expect the opponent to make a move that quickly after being dealt damage.

Gastly was attacked and the bitten part was burnt black. But at the same time, Gastly used Lick again, making sure to paralyze the opponent.

The two Pokemon fell to the ground at the same time, both losing fighting capability.

To be continued...


The new school year is coming and here I am not yet enrolled, haist.

Keep safe everyone!

She's the Hidden Boss (Pokemon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now