Pref- He finds out you speak another language. (part 1 Cam, Shawn, Matt, and JG)

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Cameron- A young foreign exchange student goes to your school and he came to pick you up. "Hey babe!" you say sitting in the seat of his car when you see the new student from Columbia who doesn't speak English. She knocks on your window. "Hola! ¿Puede decirme cómo decir mi dirección en inglés?Mi madre no me recogerá más debido al trabajo. Tengo que decirlo a un taxista!" (Can you tell me how to say my address in English? My mother cannot pick me up anymore because of work. I need to say it to a taxi driver!) She says hoping that I understood. I look at the address on her phone. I reply with "¿Quieres dar un paseo con nosotros? Vives de acuerdo a una calle de mi novio y yo." (Would you like to have a ride with us? You live right down the street from my boyfriend and I.) " Sí, por favor." (Yes please.) She says getting in the back seat. "Babe we're going to drive her home." I look at my boyfriend who sits in pure shock and nods. "I had no idea you could speak Spanish so fluently!"

Shawn- You were from Montreal and moved to Toronto when you were very young, but always spoke French with your relatives. "Mon copain et moi allons à la maison d'un ami. Est-ce correct ?" (My boyfriend and I are going to a friend's house. Is that ok?) I ask slipping on my black vans and putting my hair in a bun. "Bien sûr être non maison tard à 08:00!" (Sure be home no later than 8:00!" I nod and Shawn walks in "Hey, beautiful." You blush and hug him. "Ah et ne me fais pas regretter laisser vous sortez ! Restez concentré sur vos notes, jeune dame !" (Oh and don't make me regret letting you go out! Stay focused on your grades, young lady!) Your mother shouts from upstairs. I shake my head in embarrassment and reply "Je sais que maman ! J'ai celui des classe moyennes plus élevées !" (I know mama! I have the one of the highest class averages!) "Shawn est ici donc je pars maintenant. Bye-Bye."(Shawn is here so I am leaving now. Bye-bye.) "A bientôt." (See you soon.) I take Shawn's hand and walk out of the door. "Why didn't you tell me that you speak French?" he smiles widely. "I don't know? You never asked." I say with a blushing a crimson red.

Matt- Your mother was from Haiti and your father was American. You and Matt were at your house hanging out when your shouted from the kitchen "MELE!" (FUCK!) "Maman Tu es ok ? Que s'est-il passé?" (Mama are you ok? What happened?)I said while running into the kitchen "Je vais bien. J'ai renversé de l'eau chaude et il a obtenu sur ma jambe." (I'm fine. I spilled some hot water and it got on my leg.) "What happened Y/N?" Matt says with a confused face. " She burned herself, she's fine." I say getting an icepack from the freezer placing it on her burn. "Mèsi" She says sitting in a chair. "Pa dekwa"( You're welcome) " Can you teach me how to speak it?" Matt asks smiling. " Ok say 'non mwen matt'" "non mwen matt" he repeats blushing. "See that means my name is Matt."

Jack G- You had taken German for 4 years in highschool and could now speak it fluently. "Excuse me?" You hear an unsure voice with a thick accent say as you were walking through the airport. "Bist du aus Deutschland?" (Are you from Germany?) "Ja bin ich! Ich bin so froh, dass ich jemanden gefunden habe, meine Muttersprache spricht."(yes I am! I am so happy I found someone who speaks my native language.)" I smile. "Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?" (How can I help you?) "Ich bin auf der Suche nach terminal 14. Ich kann nicht gut Englisch lesen." (I am looking for terminal 14. I cannot read English well.) I look around and see it. "auf diese Weise!" I say pointing. "Vielen Dank! Sie sind eine schöne junge Dame. Wer ist auch sehr schlau!" (thank you so much! You are a beautiful young lady. Who is very smart as well!) "Kein Problem. Danke. Einen guten Flug ,Miss." (No problem. Thank you. Have a safe flight, Miss.) " Whoa! Great job ,babe! What was that Swedish or something?"" German.. I told you that I took it in highschool." You mumbled annoyed because he doesn't listen to you.

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