You promised me..-Matt imagine prt. 2

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A/n: I literally just published part 1 ,2 seconds ago so read that one first so you aren't lost.


I woke up to see a bright white room. I looked around to see familiar warm brown eyes that used to make me melt. They were red and filled with sadness. "Why are you here?" I asked my tone cold. "I-I went to your house to apologize and I found a pool of your own blood." he said sobbing at the end. "What did you want to apologize for? You told me you didn't love me anymore! I didn't need to be saved, Matt! The whole point of me doing that was to be dead and away from here! Look at me I look disgusting and I would've killed myself a long time ago. You were the only thing that was stopping me. Now I promised you I would stop cutting and you promised you would always love me, so I guess we both lied. Please leave." I say pointing towards the door. He had tears running down his face and his body was shaking from sobs. "It shouldn't have to make me attempt suicide for you to realize you still have feelings for me. One day I'll find someone who will really care about me and will never stop. I promise you that."

10 years later

Matt's POV

I sighed as I went on another date. I never should've broke up with Y/N all those years ago. She's moved on, definitely. She didn't break her last promise she made to me. She fell in love with Nash, had 3 children who's names are Amy, Rosie and Xavier. She got married and I was there. I saw how she looked at Nash, that was she used  to look at me. I'm not going to lie, it broke my heart but, I am glad she's happy. I broke her heart and she hated my guts. I still love her and I know she has probably never thought about me in a loving way again after that. She was even more beautiful now than she was when we were 17. Her hair was lighter now and her eyes were full of happiness. I'm glad I saved her and I know deep down she thanks me for that everyday because I know that I made her happy even though I'm not with her and that's all that matters to me. So here I am sitting at the beach where Y/N and I made our broken promises. I love you..forever and always.

AN: I hoped you enjoyed this I love you <3

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