I get high with my baby (imagine)

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Tonight I was gonna hang out with the guys. Nothing special watch a few movies, eat some food you know just to spend time together. I hopped out of my car (A/n : FIRST LET ME HOP OUT THE MUDDAFUCKIN PORSHE I DON'T WANNA HIT THAT ASS BLAH BLAH BLAH LIKE A HORSE I BE BALLIN') and head into Cam and Nash's apartment. "I'm here." I say opening the door with the key they gave me a few months ago. "Y/N!!" Cam shouts engulfing me in a hug peppering a few light kisses on my face while I giggle. "Hey Y/N." The rest on the guys greet me and sit on the couch next to Cam and Shawn(A/N BAES AF OMG LIFE GOALS) "Aye Y/N you ever smoked before?" Sammy say lighting a blunt and taking a puff passing it to Cam. "Ugh no.." I say watching Cam exhaling the smoke in perfect O-shapes. "Whoa.." I say and Cam smirks passing it to me. I take in a puff and my lungs feel like they're going to burst into fucking flames. Everybody is studying me waiting for my reaction. Is it working already? I blink a few times. I take a few more puffs and I'm stoned. I pass it to Shawn and he passes it to Gilinsky . I was adopted? Why is Matt purple? When was the paper plate invented? Are Gilinsky's eyebrows catipillars? "You know what I've always admired about you?" I say pointing my small hand to Cameron next to me. "What's that ,babe?" he asked high off his ass too. "The fact that your really hot and you understand me. Like a lot of people judge me. They're being stupid assholes. But you ,Cameron Alexander Dallas are like a fucking super hero. My ride or die." I say looking into his red eyes laughing. "I feel the same way Y/n

" he says chuckling. "I'm hungry." I say getting up and heading towards their kitchen. I go into the pantry and see a jumbo bag of potato chips. I grab a big ass bowl and pour half into it. I plop back on the couch eating my chips. When Cam and Shawn try to put their hands in my bowl. "I'm hungry as fuck, I love you two but get your own." I say pouting. "Y/n i'll challenge you to a twerking competition." Nash said his bright blue eyes blood shot red. "You know I'm going to win!" I say smirking. "What makes you think I won't win." He asks. "'Cause you ain't got ass!" I say causing everyone to erupt in laughter. I lean to give Cam a kiss on the cheek , instead he turns his head and we start to have an intense makeout session. "Wanna take this upsatairs, Y/N?" he asks biting on my neck. I nod and run upstairs to his room.

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————A/n THIS WAS REALLY DUMB————————————————-

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