Cheater..- Taylor Caniff Imagine

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Taylor POV

I couldn't stop thinking about how much I have hurt her. I look at her everyday in the face and lie to her. While I was on tour I hooked up with some girl and it's been eating me alive. I cry sometimes because I know Y/N will want to break up with me. "Um.. Y/N can I tell you something?" I ask looking down at my hands. "Sure what is it." she asks getting some juice from out of the fridge, obviously not taking me seriously. "You promise you won't get mad?" I say my voice shaking, oh god I feel a huge lump in my throat. "Taylor, stop you're scaring me." She says her eyes getting very wide. "I love you so much and I'm such and idiot." I say full on sobbing. "I-I cheated o-on you while I was away." I say gagging at the thought of that cheap slut who probably sucked more dicks than she can could count on her fingers and toes combined. I looked at Y/N and she was crying. She grabbed her shoes and purse and was gone. I cried more and more until I finally fell asleep.

*5 days later*


I couldn't believe what he said and as much as I wanted to stay I couldn't. My dad cheated on my mom and she left him. She always told me 'Once a cheater, always a cheater.' I feel like I would be making a huge mistake if I took him back. He was the best boyfriend I could ever have , but he broke my heart. I don't know if I could trust him again. I sighed and decided I cant hide forever, I'm going to have to talk to him one day. I click on Taylor's contact in my phone and wait for him to pick up which is about 1 second. "OH MY GOD, Y/N? PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN!" he says his voice cracking. "That's actually why I called you..I wanted to know if I could come over?" I ask nervously. "Of course." "Ok see you in 10." I say hanging up and going to put on some decent clothing. I grab my car keys and drive to our- I mean his apartment. I knock on the door then, pull out my key and open the door. "Hey." I say sitting next to him on the couch. As you could tell by now, Taylor and I basically used to live together so I'm very comfortable here. "Hi.. I missed you so much." he says hugging me. I'm hesitant at first, but slowly wrap my arms around his waist. "Ok so I was at a party with Dillon and I got really wasted. Then ugh I started making out with this slut.. and then I woke up in the trunk of Dillon's trunk only in my boxers. Ugh I honestly think someone drugged my drink." he said putting his face in his hands whimpering. "Ok I forgive you, if you ever cheat again we're over." he nods quickly and pulls me into a passionate kiss. "I love you so much."I say. "I love you even more."

A/N : if u ever get cheated on leave that bitch I just wanted to make this cute bc a bunch of my imagines are depressing as hell

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