Dare- Jack Gilinsky Imagine Part 2

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Ok so this is a continuation of my imagine that I wrote the other day but now in your Pov.

4 months later

I was brushing through my hair when Jack texted me to come hang out with him and his friends. I said I would be there in about 30 minutes and got ready. I decided to change up my look a bit and popped in some clear contacts so I wouldn't have to wear my glasses. I then straightened my naturally frizzy hair and put on some makeup. I threw on some shorts that came to the middle of my thigh and a muscle tank. I slipped on my red vans and got into my range rover. I put on my shades and drove to Jack's house that was down the street from my house. A lot has changed in these past few months, Jack and I are dating, we will be graduating soon and I started to get bullied more in school. A lot of girls were telling me is that the only reason Jack asked me out was because it was a bet to get me in bed or because his friends dared him to. I always shook it off because I know Jack loves me and he promised me he would never hurt me, not once has Jack tried to get into my pants for the past 4 months we've been dating. I finally was interrupted from my thoughts when I realized that I was sitting Jack's driveway already. As you could tell I was kind of nervous because I knew his friends weren't too fond of me except for Johnson, he was super sweet. He would always walk me to my classes to make sure nobody would mess with me. I walked up to the door and knocked and heard mumbling and feet gently hitting the floor. I saw beautiful brown eyes and he pecked my lips quickly then gave me a hug. I smiled at my boyfriend before greeting the guys with a small smile and a quiet 'hey'. I sat down and saw that they were all sitting in a circle. "Um what's going on?" I asked scooting over a bit so I was kind of in the circle as well. "We're all playing truth or dare." Sammy said with a weird look in his eye ,but I shrugged it off and nodded. It started off okay until it was Sammy's turn to dare someone "Hmmmm... Gilinsky ! Truth or dare my friend?" he asks while smirking rubbing his hands together. "Truth because I don't feel like doing any of your idiotic dares." "Ok then tell Y/N what you've been hiding from her." I frowned and looked over toward Jack who had panic in his eyes. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and rubbed my hands on my shorts because they were getting really sweaty. "Well hurry up before I tell her my damn self!!" he barked at Jack with a simple roll of his eyes. "Y/N you know I love you , but uh the reason I asked you out was because Sammy dared me to." he said his voice wavering in and out indicating that he wanted to cry. I was emotionless, I just grabbed my phone and ran out of the door. Jack tried to chase after me , but I slammed the door to give me more time to get away. I hopped in my car and drove to my house. I ignored my parents' greetings and jogged straight up to my room. I slammed the door, quickly stripped out of my clothes and threw on some sweats and a baggy shirt. I laid in my bed for about five minutes crying until I heard a soft knock and a few sniffles. I automatically knew it was Jack. "Go away Jack, you're the last person who I want to see right now." I yelled pulling the duvet high so my eyes barely were showing. "Please let me explain." he said with a soft voice making me feel really bad. "No, I don't want to see you right now, go away!" I said my voice cracking at the end of each word. I should've known he never loved me, he was too good for someone like me. "Ok I'll give you some space but you have to promise me you'll talk to me whenever before the end of the school week." he said with hope with his voice occasionally wavering.  "Fine, I promise."


I whimpered as my alarm rang for me to get ready for school. I stretched and looked in the mirror. I cringed when I saw my eyes had enormous bags under them, my skin had lost it's pinkish undertone leaving my skin looking like it hadn't seen the sunlight in ages, and my hair tangled and matted toward the bottom. I looked like I was dead, I was very desperate.. So I decided to go to my older sister for help. (A/N I'm sorry if you don't have an older sister just go w/ it ok;) ) She was a year older than me and in college ,but currently on summer break. I tiptoed over to her bedroom and opened her door. She was asleep, I shook her for a good 2 minutes to wake her up. "The fuck, Y/N?!?" she screeched when she was fully awake and had taken in my appearance. "I need a makeover help me please Y/S/N." I pouted , I knew she would crack because I was a hot mess. "Fine whatever, first shower you smell like water hasn't touched your ass in years." She gagged and shoved me into her bathroom. I showered and washed my face then put on a bathrobe. I walked out back into her room and saw she had an out fit that consisted of a crème bralet and a black skirt. She told me to get dressed I did and sat down at her vanity where she did my makeup. It was now 7:45 and school started at 9:45 and it was down the road. I get up super early just incase though. She said she was going to take me to the salon and showed them a hairstyle she liked, it was a brownish light red color hair cut that would be barely touching my shoulders. I was very nervous because i've never gotten a real haircut before, I only trim the ends of my hair.


I thanked my sister and she nodded saying I looked gorgeous and headed back up to her room to sleep. I quickly hopped into my car and drove to school. I checked into the mirror to make sure I looked perfect, I was impressed that I could look so nice. My glasses and braces were gone, my long hair was dyed and cut short and my uniform was gone. I hopped out of my car and walking into the hallway to hear wolf-whistles I looked and saw Sam looking at me like I was a piece of meat. He slowly approached me with a smirk. "What's up ma? You new around here?" he asked placing his arm around my waist. "Cut the bullshit, Sammy." his eyes grew wide as he slowly realized who I was. "Y/N? DAMNNNN." he said letting go of my waist while everyone looked at me in shock. I smirked and walked to my looked to be approached by.....

A/n: PART 3? do you guys like this or should I just leave it there:/ If I don't get comments I'm moving on to a new imagine. Vote and all that good stuff:) Ily guys have a good day/ night

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