Pref- Cute things he does..

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Nash- Cuddles his face into your neck.

Cameron- Does that little accent (y'know that little silly thing he does in a lot of his vines and videos)

Matt- The way he looks at you is so cute, you can see in his eyes that he really loves you.

Shawn- He takes those adorable ass selfies and sends them to you on snapchat.

Gilinsky- He'll sing to you when you can't sleep or when you're sad.

Aaron- Those cheesy, but very adorable nose kisses.

Hayes- His laugh ( Hayes' laugh is the cutest thing omf)

Johnson- He'll pout when you don't want to have a rap battle with him, even though he always lets you win.

Carter- He'll buy you teddy bears for no reason.

Taylor- He'll do anything to make you happy.

Jacob- He laughs at your stupid ass jokes.

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