Hola :)

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Hi everyone.. I know you're all probably going to kill me , but I'm so sorry for not updating in about three months.  I am very thankful for all of your support throughout this little journey.  I know none of you do care , but I've been very busy over the summer because I moved.  I now live with my grandparents instead of with my mother.  It has been kind of rough and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed because of how much my life has changed in the past few months.  New school , new house, new surroundings, new friends, etc.  I basically had to start my life all over again.  Now as far as this book goes , I have no idea if I want to continue writing it.  I'm not really into Magcon anymore and I've gotten into kpop.  After the whole Carter and Hayes situation I started to loose interest in the boys.  I love writing and am willing to continue this book if you guys want.  I would also be interested in writing a kpop book including exo, seventeen and got7.  If you actually have read this far thank you so much and don't forget to give me some feedback.

(oh and if you are into kpop as well please message me any requests of scenario ideas)

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