I hate you? (Aaron Carpenter and Shawn imagine)

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Y/N Pov

I was sitting on my bed scrolling through my notifications and I got a call. "Hi are you Y/N?" a voice asked. "Yes this is her.." I asked getting nervous, I was always an anxious, worry-some person." Hi, I'm Bart Bordelon (a/n:I don't give a shit if I spelled his last name wrong) and I'm in charge of the Magcon tour I wanted to know if you would like to join the tour?" He asked. "Sure I would love to!" I say getting very excited. "Ok great! We leave in 3 weeks! Your plane ticket should arrive in the mail in the next few days. We look forward to having you, Y/N." He says before he hangs up. I do a little happy dance and research some information about the tour. Carter Reynolds, Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Mahogany LOX, Matt Espinosa and a few other viners. I open vine and make a post. "Hi my lovelies! I am so excited to say that I am going on tour! See you there!" I paste a link for the Magcon tour in the caption and post it. I then see a familiar name comment. 'You're going? Awesome' with the emoji rolling it's eyes. I saw it was one of the boys from the tour.. Aaron Carpenter? Great somebody already doesn't like me and I haven't met them yet.


I dragged my suitcase through the airport while yawning and running a hand on my head smoothing down my baby hairs sticking out of my messy bun. I saw a big group of guys all goofing around and a guy holding a sign with my name on it. "Hi I'm Y/n." I say yawning again because I literally had to get up at 4:00 am and a kid kept kicking my seat and screaming for about half of the plane ride(a/n OH MY GOD IDC HOW CUTE YOUR CHILD IS I WILL SLAY THEIR EXISTENCE IF THEY BE KICKING MY SEAT). "Hello I'm Bart." I recognize his voice and name from our phone call. "I'm Nash." A very cute boy said with bright blue eyes. I smiled at him and nodded and everybody introduced themselves except one. "Bro, introdruce yourself to Y/N." Gilinsky say nudging a boy in the shoulder. "Aaron." He says rolling his eyes. I knit my eyebrows together and realize he was the boy throwing shade on my post a few weeks ago. I pout to myself and go on my phone as we all get in the limo. "So Y/N how was your plane ride?" Carter asks smiling at me. "It was-" I was cut off by hearing Aaron mumble "Nobody really cares.." I scoff and look toward him. "I just met you, what do you have against me? I saw you made a rude comment on my post. You don't even know me and you hate me." I say looking at him. I may be an anxious person ,but I won't take bullshit. "I uh um uhm ehm.." He says stuttering because I put him on the spot. "Y/N fucking slays!!!" Taylor says side hugging me for standing up for myself. "Kids we're here." Bart says as we approach a beautiful hotel. "Ok Y/N an Mahogany.. you're obviously sharing a room- 408, Matt and Carter- 409, Jack and Jack -410, Shawn and Taylor- 411, Hayes and Aaron-412, Nash and Cameron- 413.. " He said handing us room keys. "Uh Y/N?" I heard a sweet voice ask. "Yeah?" I turned around and saw Shawn. I love your voice and I follow you on vine and I wanted to know if you wanted to film a cover with me..You don't have to of course! Only-" He rambled on his cheeks a bright rosy pink. "Sure , Shawn I would love to do a cover with you." I say giving him a hug. He almost immediately hugged me back. I then heard another voice "Y/n can we please talk in private, please?" I released from the hug with Shawn and he did this cute little pout ..aww he's adorable. I looked and saw Aaron .FUCK this is going to be awkward as hell. "Sure?" I saw confused. We walk to a far corner of the room and he starts talking. "I am sorry that I was so rude to you, I just was kind of upset because it seems like everybody likes you and your fans are so supportive..and I may have a tiny crush on you."


A/n : I'll let you figure out the rest on your own ;) will she end up with Shawn or Aaron? That's your personal preference gurlllll or guyyyyyyy depending on your gender lmfao no shit, Alex... ok bye

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