Sick Boy

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Sam POV:

"Prince? C'mon Sammy it's time to get up," I feel a slight chill as my blanket is pulled off of me and I'm lifted into Tyler's arms. I have a headache that is seemingly escalated by my headspace. I shiver as Tyler places me on his hip to walk down the stairs.

"Oh prince, one second we can get you settled on the couch with a blanket," I whine in response and push my head into his shoulder trying to show my discomfort. I get placed on the couch with a blanket covering me, whining again at the chills that rack their way through my body.

"Good morning Sam, dada will be right back he's just gonna go get you a bottle," Gentle hands are carded through my hair as I finally let out a breath at the small release of tension in my head. Madison always hung around me most out of anyone, except for Tyler. She is one of the few who knows a lot about me, little and big, also knowing playing with my hair helps me calm down. Another round of chills rakes through my nerves as I curl in on myself clutching my stomach. I haven't felt this sick ever before.

"Whoa, whoa Sammy, it's okay take a breath with me, in and out," I follow Madison's breathing through the stomachache that formed. She keeps her hand running through my hair as I hear Tyler coming back over.

"Hey prince, it's alright dada is back now. Let me feel you real quick little one," I turn my head and Tyler places his hand gently up to it.

"Oh, little one, I'm sorry you're feeling so icky, I didn't realize how warm you were when I woke you up earlier," Tyler apologizes but most of it doesn't even process in my head before another wave of shivers and aches course through me. I whine and Tyler scoops me up and cradles me into his chest. I cling onto his shirt as tight as I can, which is proven to be not as tight as I thought, being sick has made me weak. Madison comes over to join us and places a paci in my mouth.

Madison POV:

I left to grab one of Sam's paci's. A light blue base with a cloud centerpiece, one of his favorites, along with a sheep stuffy and a tie dye rainbow blanket. I placed the pacifier into his mouth and slung the blanket over his body in Tylers arms. I show Sam the sheep and he reaches out for it and I oblige and hand the boy the plush before making my way into the kitchen and getting a new bottle.

"Hey Mad, we are gonna go up to the upstairs little room," I turn and nod before continuing my way to the kitchen. I grab a new bottle and place the milk filled one into the fridge. I get out some grape juice and turn to the cabinet to grab a bottle of medicine. I get the correct amount of medicine into the bottle before filling it up with the juice. I make sure to shake it up very well before making my way into the little room we have upstairs. It was a large master bedroom that we converted into a sort of nursery. It's not used as much as the normal rooms are, but it still has tons of stuff for the littles. We have two sets of bunks on one side and then two single beds with those bars you can pull up and down on either side of the room. The closet is sectioned for each of the littles sizes and outfit preferences. And the bathroom has a bunch of things you would use for a child. Baby soaps, fluffy multicolored towels, bath toys. I walk up to one of the beds and find Tyler sitting up with Sam laying in his lap.

"Prince? Sissy is here with your bottle," Sam turns his head towards me after Tyler told him I am here.

"Hi Sammy, I got you some grape juice. How does that sound?" I give him a warm smile before taking out his paci and replacing it with the bottle. I hand it off to Tyler before standing and heading out to start getting ready for my day.

Tyler POV:

"There you go prince, just drink your juice and then you can go nini," I have him propped up in the crook of my elbow and my other hand is holding up his bottle. Sam has his sheep and blanket clutched in his grasp. I gently press down on the bottle to make sure he's still drinking. I'm sure Madison put some medicine in it for him, so he needs to drink all of it. His eyes droop after about 10 minutes and his bottle only has a little bit more in it. I push down on the bottle again gently; he finishes the bottle and I remove it from his mouth.

"Good job prince, you're doing so well," I whisper a praise into the top of the boy's head after sitting him up on my lap so I can lay him down in the bed. I stand up with the boy and place him back down onto the bed. I grab the blanket from his hand and drape it over him. Placing his paci back into his mouth I lean down to kiss his forehead before connecting my phone to the monitor camera for this bed and turning on a night light before leaving the room to start cleaning our bedroom. I tell Madison a thank you before heading to grab a basket to start cleaning the sheets off me and Sam's bed so we can hopefully keep everyone else and ourselves healthy.

Whatss uppppp

Sorry the ending of that kinda sucked but I didn't know how to end it good enough so i left it at that.

Word Count:1003

Have a nice day/night/existence whatever it is for you


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