🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 25 "Back To 70s" #2
[This is Back To The 7080. The hidden rule at the rink: Say YES or NO. Just excited, regardless of the result but with every choice is a consequence! After the warm-up game with nostalgic toys Say YES or NO for the random chance draw! The moment of truth determining their fate]
[Like a jungle where they take what's been taken. They choose random chances with the coins they earned! The unluckiest man at the roller skating rink... The universe is on her side]
[Game 1: Roller Skate Traffic Light begins! Clear the missions while following the traffic lights. But the missions aren't so easy!]
[Will ROSES... clear all the missions and return to 2022?]Jihye: Yellow light! Twirl around.
[Current traffic light = yellow light]
Nari: Yellow light?
Jihye: Yellow light.
[Unstoppable Nari and twirling Jihye]
Nari: Yellow light? Hold on. Give me a moment. Come on.
[The yellow light attacks while she's looking for her mission booth]
Pd: Nari, it's yellow light.
Hayoon: We have to twirl as we do our missions?
[Driving safely at 10 km per hour]
[Nari arrives at her mission: matching the lids with the colors of the pens]Nari: Clear.
[Nari is on her last mission! Burning with determination]
Miyoung: It just has to be one piece, right?
[Miyoung is still on her second mission, peeling an orange]
Jihye: I'm here. Let's go.
[She's on her second mission too]
Jihye: Where am I supposed to poke this into?
[The straw]
Jihye: Is there no hole for the straw? No.
[Wherever Jihye wants. Has never tried triangle milk before]
Jihye: Where am I supposed to poke?
[Slips. Sharpening the tip]
Jihye: I'll try again.
[Sharpening the tip and going again! Fail. Is this wrong?]
[Meanwhile Hayoon v. papers. A 2-week-long battle of the century]Crew: Hayoon, you need to restart.
Hayoon: Again?
[Still stuck on her first mission]
Hayoon: This is difficult.
Pd: We're at 2 minutes and 50 seconds right now.
[Approximately 2 minutes left!]
Crew; Why don't you try the other mission first?
[BOOK I] BIG HIT's GIRLS 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃