Chapter 3; Warm Welcome

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Mike's POV;

After the call I had with Will, I was so excited for tomorrow that I couldn't sleep... All I could think about is what me and Will are going to do for the sleepover since we haven't done one since the whole flesh mid flayer incident. I miss him- THEM...Will and El both. I can't wait to tell him about Hellfire, Eddie, Fred, Gareth, and just how cool they are! They're so comfortable being outcasts and love being outcasts! I wish I could be like Eddie. Then again, I have to tell him about Lucas joining the basketball team trying to be popular and Max being super sad and completely ignoring us after her and Lucas broke up, plus when the Byers left...and when Billy died!...However...I was the same way when I thought Will died and I treated everyone like shit. Especially El.

I stayed up thinking about all the things we were going to do when they came back. I realized I've been only thinking about Will. Why am I thinking like this!? Why can't I just see Will as a friend...I'm just going to avoid him a bit this summer, even if he's my best friend. I should be spending my time this summer with my girlfriend!! I haven't seen her in a year, and girlfriends are always supposed to come first... right?

I started to get sort of tired and in a blink of an eye [literally] I passed out. Before I know it, I am out cold. I woke up as soon as I had fallen asleep. It's 9:45am. Oh God, I forgot to set my alarm and overslept!! I spring up and out of my bed to get ready to see the Byers. After I finished getting ready, I went downstairs, and I smelled the sweet smell of blueberry pancakes and syrup. My mom says, "Good morning, sleepyhead!" I respond saying "Good morning, mom." with a soft smile. "Why'd you make my favorite? You only do that when there is something special going on." I say visibly confused but still smiling. "Well, are we not seeing the Byers family after an entire year?" She says playfully sarcastic. Everyone is weirdly very happy.

I could get used to this if it happened more often, but that shortly ended when my dad says "Well don't you want to see your little boyfriend, eat up, Mike." I start to slowly frown. I knew it was too good to be true. My mom walks away from the stove for a quick second to put the pancakes on a plate, but on her way walks by my dad. "Cut it out, Ted." My mom says, clearly frustrated with his stupid comment trying to keep her voice at a whisper, but everyone could still hear it. "What? I was just joking, Karen?" My dad says back with an attitude. My mom goes back to the pancakes on the counter and rolls her eyes.

We finally finished eating breakfast and went to head off to Hopper's cabin since they had already left the airport and couldn't see us because I had forgotten to set my damn alarm earlier. I had a feeling I'd regret that later. We arrived outside Hopper's cabin, and I got out first to knock on their door. I was so excited I acted on instinct in that moment. I thought Hopper opened the door, and I hugged him tightly without even looking at him. I took me a second to realize that I wasn't hugging Hopper but Jonathan. "I missed you too, buddy." Jonathan chuckles. I started to feel embarrassed but quickly reassured myself it was fine.

Nancy immediately ran up to us after I hugged Jonathan. "Sorry about him Jonathan he's just really excited to see El. Classic lover boy." She sighed sarcastically. It weirdly hurt... even if it was just a joke. That seems to be a recurring theme today. "Are you just going to stand out here, or do you want to come in?" he said jokingly to me, Nancy, my mom, dad, and Holly. We went into the cabin. It looked better than the last time me and Nancy saw it, to say the least.

I was looking around, and then I spotted El. She saw me too and ran up to hug me. She hugged me very tightly, and I hugged her back. "You're a cute couple, brochachos," Jonathan's very clearly stoner friend Argyle says. El blushes shyly while I smile awkwardly. Me and Will's eyes meet. Something was drawing me towards him, and it was almost like a trance. I finally stopped when me and Will got close to each other, and I couldn't snap out of it . I hugged him much tighter, and then I hugged El. He instantly hugged me back. "I really missed you, Will." I said softly once me and him stopped hugging each other. "I missed you too, Mike." He said with a smile on his face. It felt like times when me and El were about to kiss, and we stayed silent. I lost my eyes in Will's they were like a really beautiful forest when it became fall. Our lips got slightly closer, and we were about to kiss.

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