Chapter 9; Head Over Heels

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Will's POV;

"Bye, Will. See you tomorrow!" Mike says. I really wish I didn't have to leave. I wish me, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin could all stay in Mike's basement forever, just playing D&D and Nintendo forever, but we can't. It just sucks. "Bye, Mike!" I smile while waking up the basement stairs. I walk into the Wheelers garage and my old bikes still here. After all these years... I'm surprised it's still here. "It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike's voice echoes in my mind. "The Demogorgon, it got me." Why do I have to be reminded of what happened all those years ago. I hate these memories.

The garage is so empty without The Party here. I grab my old bike and start to walk it. I hop onto the seat and start to cycle away to my own house. I pass Dustin's house. This night looks the same as the night it happened... I started thinking about what happened...what happened the night I disappeared. I hate the upside down. I hate the Demogorgon. I hate the Mind Flayer. I hate Hawkins Lab. I hate the government for covering up my disappearance. I hate middle school. I hate everyone for calling me 'Zombie Boy'.

I hate Troy and James. I hate the fact that they were right. I hate Hawkins. I hate how everyone was right about me. I hate that I feel this way about Mike. I hate that I get so jealous of El to the point I start blaming her for everything. I hate everyone around me. I just don't care about me anymore. I hate my dad. I hate how my mom treats me and Jonathan. I hate how everyone in Hawkins and Lenora Hills doesn't care about me or just hates me. I hate how I'm treated like a ghost.

I hate my stupid haircut. I hate how sensitive I am. I hate this. I hate how stupid I am. I hate how weird I am. I hate that I'm a freak. I hate...myself.

I feel my face getting warm and my eyes starting to water. No, not again. Tears start to fall from my face. No, no, no! I start to cry hard. Why am I like this?! I start sobbing and speed up on my bike. I hate myself so much. I sob harder and have adrenaline rushing through my veins. I feel like by just a small ride on my old bike, I can do anything. I could travel anywhere. I go as fast as I physically can. The bike starts to shift aggressively from side to side. I stand on the bike as I am peddling faster and faster. The bike leans too far toward the right, and I fall straight off it.

"Shit!" I yell out as I land on my back on to the ruff road filled with badly, barely fixed potholes. I start sobbing harder and choke on my tears. "Fuck!.." I exclaim as my arms bleeds and as dirt, sand, small rocks from the asphalt are in my open wound. I pull a small rock from my wound. "GOD!!!" I yell. Why does it hurt so much? I get from off the ground and hop back onto my bike. I peddle slowly this time.

I finally reach home. I'm covered in dirt, sand, blood, tears, probably snot and small rocks from the asphalt. They're going to be really concerned...I should enter in by a window in my bedroom. I drop the bike on the ground loudly and walk towards the window closest to the ground not with boxes on it. I hope they didn't hear the bike crashing on the ground... I open the window and it creaks loudly as I enter my bedroom. I just hope I don't get caught.

"Will! What happened to you?!" My mom yells catching me as she aggressively opens the door. "Nothing." I respond dully. "Obviously something happened if you look like you just fought a bear!" My mom exclaims. "I just fell." I continue to respond to her questions dully. "Will! Don't lie to me, what happened, sweetie." My mom says angry and concerned. This is why I didn't go through the front door. "Mom, nothing happened I just fell off my bike on the way home because I was going too fast." I overexplain. "Okay, just go clean yourself up, please." My mom says as she leaves my room. Why am I such an idiot?!

I pick up some clothes from the boxes and head into the bathroom. I see Jonathan and Argyle notice how busted up I look. Jonathan gets up from the couch and power walks towards me. I quickly enter the bathroom shutting the door behind me. Why did it have to go like this?...

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