Chapter 6; Canceled Plans

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Will's POV;

I grab the clothes and head out the bedroom with a huge smile plastered on my face. I get myself changed and look at myself in the mirror. Am I actually more...toned? I can't believe Mike actually said I was muscular. Am I really? Now he said that I'm so giddy. Buttttttt Mike complimented me! I feel so happy and excited now. Does that mean Mike was staring at me or checking me out? "You okay in there, Will?" Mike said, concerned. I guess me thinking about what Mike said distracted me from reality... again. This time, it was worth it, though- "Will?" Mike said louder and more concerned. "Oh, uh, yeah! I'm fine, Mike!" I say back to Mike. I walk out the bathroom, and Mike looks me up and down. When he looks back up at me and realizes I caught him checking me out, he gets very flustered, and his face gets very red. "Uhm." He clears his throat. "I-It seems to, uh, fit you...well. heh." He says nervously, laughing at the end. "Uh, t-thanks, Mike." I say, looking down so he doesn't see my bright red face. I can't believe he checked me out in front of me. He was pretty cute when he got flustered, though. It quickly became awkwardly silent. "I'm gonna go shower now!" He says, rushing into the bathroom with clothes in his right hand. I barely noticed the clothes in his hand, considering what just happened. I'm just going to wait in the room for him.

Mike's POV;

I put my back against the door and slide down onto the floor, putting my head into my knees and putting my arms on top of my knees. Oh my god. I literally just checked Will out in front of him. God, why do I feel this way about him?!! I shouldn't feel this way towards boys, especially Will. I don't want Troy, James, Lonnie, or my dad to be right!! I am not a fucking faggot!!! It's okay if someone else, just not me. I can't even explain why though. I hate this so much. It's fucking unfair and downright wrong. I don't even understand why it's wrong or unfair it just is. Will probably thinks I am disgusting. Why, why, why... they aren't right...I have a girlfriend I...I....l-l...lo.... Good fucking god I can barely say it in my head. Why can't I like girls like everyone else. Not in the way someone like, I don't know, Nancy or Robin or Max or someone like them, a girl would. The way Nancy and Jonathan do or Lucas and Max or Dustin and Suzie...Why can't I like girls. It's so-so unfair! What did I deserve for something like this to happen to me! I hate it. I hate this. I hate Troy, I hate James, I hate Lonnie and I especially hate my dad. They are wrong...I then realize I'm crying. No! Boys aren't supposed to cry!! I am not supposed to cry!!!

"Mike?..." Will says though the bathroom door while I continue to sob. Why can't I stop crying? "Mike, please let me in." Will says clearly worried. No, I am not supposed to like you the way I do. I am not going to let you in, that'd be stupid...even if you're my bestfriend.....I don't know what comes over me but I do it anyway. "Mike!" Will says loudly letting himself in once I scoot away from the bathroom door. Will closes the door and crouches down toward me. "Mike...why are you crying?" Will says. God why is he so kind. "N-No r-r-r-r-" I say fumbling over my words starting to hyperventilate as I'm crying. "Hey, hey. Take your time and take deep breaths, okay?" Will says softly and I nod in reply revealing my face from my knees. "Mike, you don't have to tell me right now." He says reassuring me. Then he hugs me tightly. I hug him back. I like being friends with Will and I don't want to ruin what we have. "Mike, I'm always going to be here for you. You know you can tell me anything and I'd never judge you." He says. Those words stick to me. He said the same thing when I first went to his house whne my parents yelled at me in 4th grade. We were still little kids but he was still so kind. so sweet. He has stayed this way even though I've been treating him like garbage these last 2 years when we were 14 and during last year just because of some stupid thoughts. I can't control how I feel but I still try and force it. The thoughts have been getting to me. "Mike, I care about you so much." Will says to me. It hurts so much. Everything. "Mike, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" He says slightly pulling away making are faces a few inches apart so he can look me in my eyes. "I c-can't right now..." I say barely making it out my mouth. I stand up wiping my tears from my face and Will stands up after me. He's so short compared to me. I shouldn't think like that. Whatever!! I am not going to think about this stupid shit again! "I think I want to shower now..." I say not even being able to look Will in the eyes. I'm ashamed of myself. I am so stupid. "Okay, but after your done, please, talk to me." Will says. "Okay, I will." I say unable to say no to him. He smiles at me then closes the door quietly as if not to startle me.

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