Chapter 2; Sour Nights

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Song for Mike's POV;

TW's; Internalized homophobia

Will's POV;

After packing, we all had to take showers and get ready for bed. Jonathan, mom, El, me, and then Argyle would shower in that exact order, but I don't know why Argyle is staying over. Then, Jonathan took a shower first, and for some reason, after Jonathan got into the shower, I heard Argyle talking to Jonathan. I won't pay much attention to it, I mean they are pretty close but that isn't exactly my business and who knows what they could be doing now or later and personally, I don't want to stay around and find out. I continue to walk around the house looking for stuff I need or want to take. Then, I find some letters I had for Mike...I wanted to send him letters but El and Mike both agreed only couples do it, I didn't tell them it was just another of their stupid long flirty talks on the phone.

I started to look through the letters...Then, I found it.....I forgot that I had written Mike letters ending with 'Love, Will' and under all these letters, I found my old D&D wizard costume. This costume brings me back to all the times last year of when Mike and Lucas left me out and either forced me to tag along or abandon me with their stupid girl problems. Thinking about it now, what if Mike was right? About it not being his fault that I don't like girls... What am I thinking? He and Lucas hurt me just for the sake of ditching the party for their stupid girlfriends!! They forced me to basically sit there and just follow them like a lost puppy for emotional support and then Mike still had the audacity to fucking say that it isn't his fault I don't like girls!! I have every right to be mad considering the way you're treating me like shit because you're sooooo sad about your stupid, stupid girl problems yet you don't tell El you love her! Like good God you're so pathetic Michael Wheeler. I'm still angry about that night. I just need to calm down and put these away somewhere so I won't have to see them again.

I put away the box of letters and the old D&D costume, realizing it was El's turn to shower. Wow, time flew by while this whole thing happened. El hopped into the shower seeming a mix of being tired and being ecstatic for tomorrow. Once I heard the shower turn on, I had a thought, a very evil one. What if while El was showering I looked through her letters. I usually would never do that, but since she was in the shower and I still was pretty angry about what Mike did to me last year...I got up and went up the stairs to El's room, adrenaline pumping through my veins, I opened the door trying to be quiet enough no one would notice, which was super stupid considering Jonathan and Argyle were probably sleeping or stoned maybe both and mom went to sleep after checking we packed everything.

I looked at El's room and instantly found her letters and started looking at them. I started to get frustrated and sad with Mike and El's relationship. I started to feel tears swell at my eyes and my face getting warm and then I started to sob as quietly as possible. As I was crying, but I continued looking through the letters, oldest to newest. As I was getting closer to the newer letters I felt a feeling in my stomach of...hurt. It wasn't like normal...It was like when I was in the upside down...but it was also like when my dad, if you can even call him that, called my a faggot over the stupidest things....I hate this feeling. Then I heard Mike and El talking on the phone all giggly and loud, well mainly El was being giggly. Then I heard something that made my stomach sink and made me want to start sobbing...

El's POV;

I just finished showering and I can't find Will. I think he might be painting again. Everyone is asleep besides Will, I think, so I call Mike. "Mike? Are you awake?" I said. Mike says, "Yeah I mean it's pretty early to go to sleep right now, El." I giggle. "I wanted to talk about tomorrow and say goodnight." I say. "Oh! Uh sure I guess we can talk. Sooo, how was packing?" Mike says. I started giggling again. "Sorry that was a stupid question, El" He chuckles. "It's fine, Mike! Packing was boring without my powers." I say. Mike stays quiet for a little bit. "Sorry about your powers not working anymore, El. I wish we could fix them." He says. "Oh, it's fine but I am pretty tired. I love you, goodnight, Mike." I said back. It wasn't about my powers but how tired he sounded. "Oh..uhm, yeah, l...l-love you too, goodnight, El." He says and hangs up fast."

That was weird but he was probably just tired! I was about to go upstairs when I saw Will go into his room really fast. Also very weird but he probably just found out I was out the shower and is going to get ready to go shower since he was going after me. A feeling in my stomach tells me it's something else but I ignore it and go upstairs into my room. I jump into my room and get in the blanket.

Mike's POV;

Why can't I tell her 'I love you' like a normal person?! It's so annoying. Normal couples our age do it all the time. Thinking about it now, they do a lot of 'things' that we don't but that isn't the point. UGH!! Why can't the Byers stay longer then summer. I miss Will. Wait why am I thinking about Will? I mean he's my bestfriend.....but El is my girlfriend and I should miss her more then him. Maybe I'm overthinking and should just listen to music instead of being so stressed.

I put my favorite song into my cassette player. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure. I lay on my back in my bed with my arms crossed under my head. My mind starts to wonder. What if I ask Will to stay at my house when they come over here from the summer, like old times. I mean he is my bestfriend and I'm not entirely sure I want El to stay over because couples our age, Hopper and my parents would never let that happen so...I should ask Will if he would want to have a sleepover, like old times, when he gets into Hawkins! That sounds like me replacing El with him...and that makes me gay.....I cannot be gay that's-that's...wrong...for me to be. However, we are only friends and me thinking that would make me gay is just perverted. WHATEVER!!! I am just going to call him and ask Will if he wants to do that.

Will's POV;

I still can't get over the fact he said he loved her...Why do I feel this way? Why am I acting like this...I suddenly remember I had to get a shower and jump up from my bed to get clothes ready fast. I grabbed some random pajamas and ran down the stairs into the bathroom. I set down my clothes, grabbed my towel and sat them on top of the toilet. I start the shower and wait for it to warm up. About to take off my clothes, I suddenly hear the phone ringing. Is it Mike?! I immediately think and ran off to the phone.

I picked up the phone and it was him. He asked me. "Hey, uhm can I talk to Will?" I responded quickly. "Already here, Mike." I heard him chuckle nervously over the phone. "When you arrive in Hawkins-" Mike said then clearing his throat. "-Would you want to have a sleepover at my house? Like old times?" Mike said finishing his question. "Sure! Of course I would!" I said a little bit too excitedly. Mike laughed. "Alright then, goodnight, Will." Mike said. "Goodnight, Mike." I said before hanging up. I'm even more excited to go back to Hawkins. I almost completely forgot that I had to shower. I ran to go take a shower and once I finished I tried to dry off and put on my clothes as fast as possible so I could go to sleep sooner.

Hello this is once again the writer and I spent a lot of time making chapter 2 sorry the ending was rushed but chapter 3 will probably be out either tonight or tomorrow I'm unsure, but prepare for drama ;)

Love, St_Bylerr.

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