chapter 16

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3 weeks later
i was at starbucks doing some work when ava and cooper came in and sat down by me. i hadn't really talked to anyone in the past 3 weeks, well since i'd found out that jack was sticking around here. it just pained me to tell him that we'd be long distance.

"hey el" ava said sitting down, cooper slowly after her.

"hey" i said not looking up from my computer.

"what's wrong with you el you haven't talked to us in 3 weeks, let alone anyone" cooper said.

"i'm fine" i took a sip of my drink.

"ellie, i know you better then that" ava said.

"fine, i didn't apply for a single college in state and jack is sticking around here and i don't wanna be long distance" i sighed, they just told me it would all be ok. ava and cooper walked out and shortly after i did too. i tried to avoid jack as much as possible, how was i gonna tell i didn't apply for a single college in state.

i decided to go back to my house. i grabbed some fruit from the fridge and my water bottle and walked downstairs into the movie room and turned on "mamma mia" one of my favorite movies. i watched it and did some applications when jack started calling me. i ignored it. and then he called again before finally texting me.


what's wrong.
i left him on read. i couldn't face him. until i heard my the "sneaking in" window in the basement open.
"el" i heard him call out. i stayed sitting down. until he walked into the movie room.

"hey" i said keeping my eyes glued on the tv.

"ellie, what's this about" and right when he said that i couldn't hold it in anymore.

"look jack, i didn't apply for a single college in this state, which means next year we're probably gonna split and then what" i said.

"el..." he paused. "we're not gonna split. i love you too much for that" he smiled and walked closer to me and kissed me. god how i missed him.

i laid on top of jack as we talked about our future and what we thought it would be like. a big white house with mini ellie and jacks running around. after we went to jacks house and i was gonna stay the night.

it was already around 11 so we decided to brush our teeth and go to bed.

it was already around 11 so we decided to brush our teeth and go to bed

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ellieandrews: bf and i brushing our teeth💌 @jackhughes

luke and quinn came and talked to us and then we all went to sleep.

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