chapter 27

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as my alarm blared into my ear, unfortunately it was the day i was dreading for a long. the day me alex and cooper left for FSU. our flight took off at 9pm, and it was currently 8am. i walked into my closet and set out the hoodie and sweatpants i was gonna wear to the airport. my room was completely empty except my bed frame and dresser. all the boxes had already been shipped to the apartment. i grabbed my 2 suitcases and my carry on and headed downstairs.

i wanted to be at the airport 3 hours before our flight took off. which meant i had 4 ish hours before i had to say goodbye to everyone. i walked downstairs to see ellen, jim, quinn, luke and jack all standing in my living room.

"oh um hey" i said yawning. the hughes family smiled at me.

"we just wanted to say goodbye" luke smiled. i walked over to basically my second family and gave them all huge hugs.
"ugh i'm gonna miss you" ellen whispered in my ear as we hugged. i said my goodbyes to the hughes family until probably thanksgiving but jack stayed obviously. jack went into coopers room and i quickly took a shower. once i got out i quickly got ready with some stuff i was leaving at home, which wasn't a lot, and then ava walked into my room.

"ellie" she cried walking into my room. i just frowned at her. "god i'm gonna miss you so much" she cried into my shoulder. i started to cry also.

"ava omg, i hadn't cry in a week" i laughed as we released from the hug. ava then went in by cooper to help him finish packing because we had to pick up alex and then leave soon. my mom and dad made us a nice lunch and threw me and coopers bags in my car. we were all pretty silent, not prepared for what was about to happen. after we finished eating me ava cooper and jack all climbed into my jeep and my mom and dad climbed into there car. we picked up alex and we were on our way.
once we got to the airport jack ava and my parents walked to our gate while we went through security. security went fast since there weren't a lot of people at the airport.

we walked to the gate, we had about 30 minutes until we had to board. i hugged my mom tight and started to bawl. "ugh mom, i'm gonna miss you so much" i said sniffling. then cooper wanted to hug my mom so i went on to my dad.

"i'm so so so proud of you ellie, your gonna do great" my dad whispered. i just kept sobbing. i squeezed my dad really hard before i walked over to ava.

"ugh ava, it's gonna be like summer before freshman year all over again" we swayed while we hugged.

"god ellie, i love you so much more then you will ever know, i'll see you at thanksgiving" she cried and we stayed hugging. ava wasn't able to get out of her classes until holidays. then last but not least, the person i was dreading to say goodbye to the most.

i looked at him and he quickly hugged me. "i love you ellie, i always have, i'll see you in 4 weeks, and we're gonna call every day" he hugged me for a long time.

"i'm gonna miss all of you so much" i said wiping my tears. i hugged everyone one last time and me alex and cooper were on our way onto the plane. on the plane i planned out my next couple weeks.
once we landed i opened a snap that jack had sent me.

i just laughed and answered with a smile as the 3 of us grabbed our luggage, and we called a uber

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i just laughed and answered with a smile as the 3 of us grabbed our luggage, and we called a uber. it was around 11:30 pm by the time we got to the apartment complex. i walked into my room, it was a basic nice apartment. it came with a bed frame, full kitchen and more. i just decided i would sleep on the couch for the night.
the next morning i woke up not knowing where i was, with some loud knocking on the door. i ran over to open it, to see cooper and alex.

"hey we already unpacked our whole apartment so we'd figure we'd help you" cooper smiled, i just nodded my head and laughed.

"i gotta eat breakfast first though" i yawned and walked into the kitchen. i looked through my camera roll and started to clean it out before i came across a silly photo of jack and decide to post it on my private story.

🔒keeping up with ellie 👍🏻🤭

i finished eating my breakfast and helped the boys help me unpack

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i finished eating my breakfast and helped the boys help me unpack. it took about 2 hours before we were totally finished. we all were hungry after so we decided we would roam around campus and town to see what we could find. we decided on a local salad shop. i wanted to go grocery shopping, since we had no food in any of our apartments.

we walked into a publix and started to raid the food. "jesus buddy" cooper laughed while alex grabbed 5 bags of chips.

"we won't have to grocery shop for 3 weeks" alex exclaimed happily as we walked over to the checkout. we drove back to our apartment building and we split ways. i grabbed the ice cream i bought and sat down on my couch to watch the notebook only my favorite movie of all time. i was in the middle of eating my ice cream and crying at the movie until cooper and alex busted in. they stood in the doorway and just laughed at me, they then walked over and sat on the couch with me and continued the movie.

"i don't know why your crying, this isn't that sad" cooper laughed at me.

"cooper you just wouldn't get it" alex fake cried. i just rolled my eyes. we finished the movie and decided to facetime jack and cole, since they were hanging out.

"jack answer your dam phone" cooper yelled as the call connected. he was with his brothers and cole.

"i miss you guys" jack frowned.

"hey there's only like 27 days more days" cooper yelled across the apartment. we all talked for a good 2 hours before they all had to go.

"you know why don't we find a party on campus to crash" alex suggested. i just shrugged and cooper agreed we should go.

"y'all can go, i'll be here binging movies" i said as they got up.

"come on ellie" alex grabbed my wrist.

"look you two, your both getting drafted into the nhl in a month, i don't think going out and getting drunk, and possibly being caught is a good idea" i sat back down.

"eh i guess you have a point" cooper said standing in the doorway. "and i don't think ava would appreciate it" cooper said grabbing chips from my pantry and coming back to sit down.

"well i'm not going out by my self, so" alex said grabbing a blanket and sitting on the couch. we watched many more movies before we all dozed off.

a/n: ik that drafting is in july usually but just play along with it.

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