well do ya.

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"Shh it's okay it's okay everything will be fine." I say whole holding a crying Valeri. Her brother, Cosmo was breast feeding. Lorcan did not drink my breast milk he only drink from the bottle and Valeri hardly eats at all. Mason has been helping me ever sense the birth of then 3 days ago.

It has really started me thinking about us but those thoughts go as fast as they came because I know there is not a single person in the world with two mates I did some research the night after he said that we were mates. It's not like he kept pushing me he didn't he just told me and we haven't talked about it sense which is nice because I don't know what I would say if he did try to talk about it I would probably just freak out. It has been four week sense the birth of my sweet little kids. I had to make up a lie last week because I need to ask for fraternity leave and he said" I thought you said you were three months pregnant." "I say I thought he said how much more am I pregnant?" He laughed at me and said okay.

"Beck we have to bring the kids to the pack nurse to get everything checked out."

Shoot I forgot about that , I ran out the door and got everyone in the car including Mason and we were on our way. It was a very big pack hospital it was about the size of one too.

"Miss Rian" I hear the nurse day my name and I picked up all my stuff and brought it over there. I was caring Cosmo and Valeri while Mason was caring Lorcan. Lorcan looks likes he is 2 while Valeri looks not even a week old and Cosmo is somewhere in between.

"Okay Miss Rian can you and your boyfriend put your first baby on the scale."

"Oh he is not my.."

Before I could finish the sentence Mason inter interrupted me.

"She is my mate not girlfriend."

"My apologies ."

Who does he think he is I am not his mate and if I was, maybe I don't want to be.

"We are not mates."

The nurse gave me a weird look.

"Yes we are."

"No we are not."

"Yes we are" he said while gritting his teeth.

"NO we are not." I said a little to loud and the nurse started to look nervous.

"Then why did you kiss me."

"I didn't you kissed me." I yelled and Valeri started crying which stoped me and Mason from fighting.

"It's okay." I say while holding her.

" We will discuss this later ." Mason say and we continue the check up. After we were done the doctor left the room to calculate the data.

I didn't say a word and neither did Mason. He just sat there and played with Lorcan while I held a sleeping Valeri and a sleeping Cosmo was in the stroller. After what seemed like 30 minutes the nurse came back.

" We need some more blood drawn to make sure the children are what we think they are." She said not pleased.

"Okay I can wait till they finish."

"You will also need to get blood drawn, miss."She said and seems scared.

"Fine." I say and we are off again, still in the hospital but at least we will be able to leave.

"I am sorry to inform you, but your children are demon well Lorcan is full demon while Cosmo is 50% and Valeri has very little demon in her at all. "

I stared at her trying to figure out if she was serious or not, serious defiantly serious, but how.

" It can't be ." I finally managed to spit out.

" I am very sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you i was just wondering if you knew who the father is?'

"Well i will tell you something." I point at Mason " Its not him."

" Oh okay, than who is it?'

" A guy from California named Blake Nathan."

" I see." she said while thinking " Wait, no it cant be, maybe just maybe." she said thinking aloud.

" What are you rambling on about?" I ask more rude than I meant to.

" What, oh sorry I was just thinking about the man who got you pregnant."

" Why ? Whats wrong with him?"

" Nothing, unless you don't like demons , than everything."

" He cant be a demon he marked me."

" Where is it?"

" It went away." I said getting a little annoyed.

" They don't just go away, i would know because as a small child I was marked and it is still there."

" But it looked like a werewolf marking."

" That is what a demon can do, make you believe you were marked. Demons get in your head some can eve make you forget why you did something. They cant make you forget big events but small events that last for minutes." she said like she was proud of herself.

" So your telling me that i was brainwashed into thinking I was mated to some demonic freak who is now my baby daddy. I said.

" yep pretty much."

"That crap-cycle" I yell and sprint out the room hold my children.

" Becky stop... get back here right now" . He whispers something and ran after me.

I walk home and start packing.

" where are you going?" asked me

" To California to give Blake a piece of my mind, the small piece he hasn't already controlled."

" What were you thinking you can't just run away from things that scare you."

" I'm not i'm running towards what scares me."

" fine when do you leave for California?'

" tomorrow "

"Well I better start packing" he says.

" What" is all i could say and all he did was smirk.

Must hate my mateWhere stories live. Discover now