Chapter 3

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( Have to watch my siblings so I decided to do something that will hopefully bring a smile to someone's face.)

Alice's pov
Watching the morgenstern girl I knew I had come to the right person but I still couldn't help myself from wanting to run and grab jonathan out of her arms. I was now at Rufus's house since he argued that since I gave John away so something wouldn't happened to him. He decide that if I couldn't keep John I couldn't live on my own. It was dark here and as Rufus left me in my own room,alone. My heart could take no more it finally broke and my tears rolled down my checks but I could feel nothing. I started to feel my head begin to feel heavy and my vision start to go black at the edges. I welcomed the darkness as if it were an old friend that I had not seen in ages.And the last thing I heard was the scream of my name.

Clary's pov
" OK got stay calm and figure this out. I can't call the clave which means I can't take you to the institute. I can't tell Luke, Maryse, or Robert.Izzy can't keep quite.Alec only breaks the law for his family and not telling the clave about you would be considered breaking the law. Oh my god this is so hard. Think clary. Think."
Suddenly I hear a soft giggle. So I quickly stopped my pacing.
"So you think this is funny. Huh. I'm I funny to you."
Just then the door bell rang and Jonathan got the craziest look any baby could get.I grabbed him in my arms and also grabbed the 20 luke and mom had left for me. I opened the door and there was the pizza guy I handed him the 20 and did a balancing act of holding both a pizza and a baby. Just to tell you I didn't drop either. But as soon as the pizza man moved to go down the stairs I saw simon.
I don't know what came over me but I quickly close the door before Simon could see john.I dropped the pizza on the living room couch and ran to my bedroom. Once I got there I quickly put John on the bed after stacking pillows around him making him look little prince in a fortress.
"What are you doing to me kid. I've only had you for a while and already you got me around your little finger."
It was true he already had me worried about him. I know I shouldn't but just looking at him. So little, helpless it broke me. It was then that I relized I had no other choice. I had to keep him he was already mine. My blood, my family, my nephew. And there was no one in this world that was going to take him. And I really don't care if saying that made me sound like sebastian.
Maybe he was right. There was so little Morgensterns left in the world. We really do need to band together and rise our family back to its former glory. Valentine had made our family name a name to be feared but for the wrong reasons. Our name was feared because we were viewed as a bunch of psychos'. It was feared by the wrong group of people. Our name should be feared by demons because we had no mercy for them.
"That's what we should do. We should totally be demon killing bad ass."
"Clary who the heck is that?"
I turned around and saw simon ok i really suck at being a shadowhunter
He started to gasps and give me weird looks like I was going insane. And maybe I was but I have a really good reason too.
" OK I know how this looks. But before you start yelling hear me out. This is sebastian's son..."
"OK you need to calm down before I tell you anything! And don't test me Lewis today has been really crazy and I'm very mad at you! So sit down and shut up!"
Once the job of getting simon to listen is down I explain everything to him. Every so often he would look to John and simon would get this really confuse look in his eyes and finally when I'm done he ask the same question I've been asking myself all day.
"What are you going to do?"Simon asked once again.
"Right now I'm probably going to keep him. I mean he has no one else but me and if I give him to the clave who knows what they would do to him."
"OK. I'll be right back. I'm going to get the pizza you left down stairs cause you look like you need it."
"Ok." What a liar!I have a feeling that he isn't just going to get the pizza for me. He is probably going to use the phone and talk with some one about what to do with crazy clary. I look at John and see he is asleep this gives me a bit to quietly go down and see what simon is doing. I grab my Steele from my bedside table and quickly scribble on a silent rune, so strong no one not even someone with inhuman hearing could hear me. I leave the room and as I get to the top of the stairs I hear simon talking to someone he ask what he should do ? And figure out its Izzy he is talking to.
"Iz I can't just do that. Why not because I'm not a murder! Just get the clave down here already!"
That all I need to hear before I'm sprinting to my room. I don't remember packing mine and Johns stuff all I know is now I'm in front of a portal and just as I step into it I hear the front door open.
I think of the only person who can help me but also who I know I can trust . This person just so happens to be Magnus Bane.

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