Chapter 18

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I never would have thought in my wildest nightmare that Clary would have gotten me ,Jace Herondale, to go out with three clingy kids. I never though I would have to share her with children but here I was sitting in an empty park watching Clary having a swinging contest with Jack's son. I loved seeing how she would laugh when the boy would beat her and turn and smile at her. The two younger children ran around slipping down slides and climbing across monkey bars and every now and then they would race to clary and ask her  something before racing off to go spin in the wind. Clary sends the kids off towards a sandlot with a net dividing it.

"Come on Jace let's play volleyball." She grabs the bag with the ball in it and drags me over to the children. "Okay kids against Jace and me because ya'll have skills and Jace hasn't ever played this amazing sport. " She handed them the ball and then set me up and gave me a brief explanation of how her favorite sport ,for some reason, works.

The kids kick our butts thanks to me but by the time the kids get board and decided to go ranning off to play tag I get what Clary was talking about when she said she can't help but love them. Their all so funny and can't help but crack jokes when I fall and take clary with me. They seem to always be putting on a show like when Mason and Sebastian's son pretend to throw magic at each other.  I'm so tired by the end of it that I just lay there on the sand.

"They tired you out huh?" Clary stands over me.

"Yah ." We went back to the institute after that. Nothing eventful happened in the institute that night we all went to bed like always. Or atleast that's what I thought


I woke up at about three to Jonathan crying. I lifted him into my arms and held him as close as possible to me. Magnus wasn't awake and since earlier he was swaying and so geedy I knew that the only reason was because he was drunk. I took Jonathan out of the room and walked him to the room farthest away from us. The Library.
When i finally got john to fall back asleep thats when i noticed it. The institute was quiet. To quiet for my liking and just when i was about to get up and make a mad dash for our room. I heard it from behind the chair i sat in.
"Hello sister of mine." This isn't happening this is a figment of my imagination. There is no why that the snowy blonde with the demon infested black eyes that tear me to shreds know as my brother is standing in front of me. " You really should pay more attention darling for all you know the next time something like this happens it might not be me. It could be someone who plans on hurting you."
"Oh and you don't. Anyone eles would be better."  I know i should be trying to escape. I should be trying to call the others but for the first time ever i was frozen in fear. If i risked any of those things it wasn't just my life on the line now it was my little boys.I pulled John's blanket up closer to him trying to hide my precious little boy away from his father. "I rather even Valentine more than you. Ahhh" all i could do was keep Sebastian distracted for awhile and hope someone just randomly gets up. As the words left my mouth i felt a hand wrap around my hair in a death grip.  Sebastian pulled my neck so far back and my worst fears appeared to show me that maybe i wasn't in raziels good grace anymore. I couldn't hide my ... his child from him and when his eyes saw the familar snowy locks his face went from an angry glare that could melt the flesh off of even a prince of hell to a curious, calculating one. It was the same look Valentine gave to jace. The look dr. Frankstien would give his monster. It was the look of a scientist gazing at his lastest creation.
"What is this?" He said never taking his eyes away from the sleeping child.
"What does it look like?" I spat. " Don't play dumb with me Sebastian. Magnus told me what happened that night in Washington." He pulled my hair back harder making  me cry out ,though i tried to contain my cries, so loud my sweet boy began to wake. I hushed him praying to the angel he didn't open his eyes.
"Please brother not  around the baby." I begged.
"The baby?" His eyes were blown wide almost like a sharks as he glazed down at me. He ran his hand almost gently against my cheek. "Our baby." Then i felt a pain in the side of my neck all i could do is pray that the little angel in my arms would be left unharmed by the mad man infront of me before the dark swallowed me whole.

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