Chapter 13

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The sound of thunder clapping could be heard all around the small living room. A fire roared in the old fireplace as Magnus tried to ignore a now screaming, baby Jonathan.

The baby had awakened about half hour ago whimpering softly till the first bolt of thunder had come to kiss the small town of Forks, Washington and then all hell had broken lose. Jonathan had begun screeching and crying. Louder and Louder till Magnus could not ignore it and longer and had ... called Clary. The two had only been on the run together for about two weeks now and this was the first time Magnus had been left alone with Jonathan.

"Clary where are you it's crying and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Tell me what to do." He had begged out

"Huh you must have the wrong number see I thought I was talking to the all-powerful Magnus Bane but it seems I been mistaken." She had laugh at him making Magnus pout at her even though he knew she couldn't see him.

"Come on Clary just help me."

"He's a baby Magnus all he cries for is if he is hungry, needs his diaper changed..."

"Gross I have to clean it and give it food. This is hard. Where are you?"

"How is chairman meow still alive. Or maybe he's scared Magnus so maybe you should..." She was about to continue when her phone had died.

"No. No wait tell me what I should do." He cried out till the next clap of thunder came and Jonathan screamed louder. As soon as Mags had heard the sound he'd gone racing up the stairs to Clary's room. He then scooped the child up into his arms and began to softly rock the child in his arms.

The baby had quieted down it was almost too good to be true. Then as the next clap of thunder had come the spell was broken and Jonathan began to scream again.

"Shh Its ok I'm here." An hour later the thunder clouds had rolled away and Jonathan had gone back to sleep. After Magnus had laid the baby back down on Clary's bed, surrounded by pillows, he'd gone back downstairs and laid tiredly down on the couch waiting for Clary to return.

Magnus didn't realize that he had fallen asleep till he was awaken by the sound of Jonathan screaming again. Magnus felt something was very wrong as he raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time. As he got closer to the door of Clary's room the feeling had gotten worst and worst.

He pushed open the door and the sight in front of him had forced his fingers to start glowing blue as they did every time he used his magic. There standing in the room holding a screaming Jonathan to his chest was the horribly dark and extremely handsome Sebastian Morgenstern.

"Hello, Warlock." Sebastian had cooed out towards the child in his arms. "Where is my lovely little sister?"

"She's not here."

"Obviously, Warlock so where exactly is she?"

"Hopefully on her way home." With each word spoken out Magnus got closer and closer to Sebastian's turned back. "Maybe you should give him to me." Magnus reached out for the baby.

"Yes please do." A voice behind Magnus answers.

"Amatis." Well this was going to be harder than Magnus had wanted it to be. Sebastian turns and hands the baby to Magnus's hands. As Magnus wraps his arms around the child Amatis steps father into the room and comes to stand next to her master. Idiots Magnus thinks as the room flares up into a brilliant blue. A wall of blue flames comes to separate Magnus and his unwanted guest. The wall is only up for a few seconds but it's all Magnus needs to run out of the room and even out of the house.

Magnus kept running he could hear them behind him and knew the two would be on him in a matter of seconds but Magnus still had a shred of hope as he saw the entrance to a downworld club that Magnus just so happened to know the owner of it.

"Hey burn." He called out to the bouncer. As Burn's eyes landed on him he pointed over his shoulder hoping the other warlock would see the two dark shadowhunters. As Magnus watched Burn's eyes narrowed. "Mind giving me a hand?" Magnus shouted just as a fire ball was hurled over his head and he heard Sebastian scream out in pain.

"Thanks Burn. You haven't I don't know seen Clary around have you?" Magnus asked running over to stand in front of Burn.

"Come on in she's with Liz." Burn let Magnus into the bright lite club. The room smelt like a mix of alcohol and herbs. Their couples dancing in the center of the room. The sound of jazz filled the air. This club was oddly soothing for a downworld club.

Magnus rushed around the bar and up a flight of stairs. Once he saw the grand oak doors at the end of the stairs he slowed his paced. He quietly tried to catch his breath. Once he felt his heart wasn't gonna jump right out of his chest he leaned against Liz's office door she would know he was there since this was her club. He heard Jonathan give a little whimper. Magnus held the boy an inch away from his face.

"I'm sorry I let that happened. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you again kid."

Present day

"He won't even breath anywhere near Jon, Clare." I tried to soothe Clary, who right now looked like a rabid animal.

"He knows where we are." She retorted

"Ya so he's known where we've been before."

"Ya but this time we can't run. The Lightwoods won't let us. We are like sitting ducks right now."

"Mommy, Uncle Mag what's going on?" Jonathan looks over to me with glassy eye. I look over to Clary and see her shake her head.

"Nothing much, just the same old same old. Crazy people coming after us cause I'm so famous." I say making him laugh and Clary shake her head at me again.

"Are we still going shopping?" he looks at Clary this time.

"I ..."

"Yes we are child. Come on let's go." I interrupt her before she can ruin this perfect opportunity to get her mind off of the whole Sebastian thing.

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