chapter 7

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Clary's pov
I rushed out of the room to focus on my task at hand. So focuses that I don't notice the sound of feet behind me till I'm outside the library. Right as i'm about to march in there and scream and yell possibly going to throw a tantrum like a 4 year old magnus scoops me into his arms and drags me away covering my mouth with his hand.
He doesn't release me till we enter the dinning room. I turn around preparing to rush pass him to go give these people who I once called my family an earful of it. Till I notice jon and chairman meow sitting in front of the door. Man they know me to well.
"Ok now that you seem a little calm. We need to discuss what we are going to do?" He calmly says. He's calm in a situation like this.
"Well I was going to run in there and beg forgiveness." I spit at him my voice dripping with sarcasm.
" I'm going to pretend you didn't yell at me. But listen if you go in there guns armed and loaded they're going to get defensive and that is going to start some big problems for all of us ok. So I think the best option is to go in there and let me do all the talking."
"Fine." Now your probably thinking stubborn clary has gone soft But that's not the case. I just know magnus and know he won't let me go in there without agree to his plane so hey I can always yell at them later.
As we walk out magnus grabs chairman and I grab jon. We march to the library and once outside the door magnus and I look at each other and smirk. We then take our foot and slam it against the library door. The doors blast open and we strut in like we're on a run way.
"Your day has just gotten better!" Magnus screams as we come in I look around and see everyone is in here. From my mom and luke, to the lightwoods and jace. To even the backstabber of a friend simon.
"Because the bane family has just blessed you with their presents." Magnus continues to say. Everyone turn to us and stands up. I see mom and maryse look toward jon and me so I grab Magnus's arm and stop him from getting to close to them.
"Clary." Luke says. I look up at him as he slowly walks toward us. His arms open to embrace me. I want so badly to run up to him and throw my arms around him and have him twirl me around like I was a little kid again.
But then I remember that I have jon in my arms and step back from him. I see hurt cross his face and can't stand the thought of him thinking I'm afraid of him.
"I'm not afraid of you luke it's just the last time I saw you guys and I had jon you tryed to take him away." I see understanding cross his face.
"I know and I can't speak for the rest of everyone here but I can says that I would like to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you and magnus and ... and..." confuse crosses his face as he looks at jon.
"His name is Jonathan. Jonathan Alex Bane." Magnus says with pride as he walks up to me with jon and steps next to me looking deep into Jonathan's eyes. Jonathan looks up to him with that goofy little grin of his that when you see you can't help but melt.
"Jonathan." Luke says breaking us out of our trance that only jon can put us throught. We look up to see the others looking at us with calculating glances. I begin to laugh and so does magnus.
Why are you laughing fray?"Simon says smiling at me. I instantly stop laughing and turn an angry glance up at simon. But be fore I can open my mouth to scream a reply at him jon speaks up.
"Don't yell at him mommy. He just thought he was protecting you when he told the clave." He jumps out of my arms and faces me.
"And how do you now that?"
"Uncle magnus told me all about the day we left." I turn toward magnus with an angry look on my face.
"Ok before you start yelling just know that he force me to tell him." Magnus says in my face like that makes it perfectly fine that he told a four year old about something we vowed to tell him once both agreed he was ready.
"Just how did he get you to spill this information." I says to him.
" You were dead asleep one night and we were playing poker. He told me that he would give me all the money I loss. Which was alot remind me to never bet against him again. Back if I told him about why we always move and stuff like that." He quickly says, I hold up 3 fingers and use them to count down as my second finger flys down he bolts out the door after handing chairman to jon. I rush out after him yelling at him as we rush around the institute with every one running after us.

We continue running till magnus dashes into the small kitchen. I have him backed up against one of the cabinets. I'm walking over to magnus when I hear whispering right behind me. I can't hear what there saying but I have a feeling it's jace and alec.
"Clary...clary..."He looks over my shoulder and nodes his head at someone. "I'm sorry."
As the words fall from his lips arms wrap around my waist. They hoist me up so my back hits someone's shoulder.we spin and then race out of the room. I look back just then door to the kitchen close and see jon looking worryingly at me.

I know it's taken me forever to upload this chapter and I don't want to give you any excuse you deserve better than that. I will try to upload more. Please comment what you think should happen

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