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"Now for the fun part." Eddie said as he dragged Dustin and I into his trailer. We walked into his room and I stared at his guitar. I knew what it looked like back home, but here? It looked perfect. Untouched. His whole room was covered in disgusting mush and vines. Yet his guitar was fine.

"Wow.." I said.

"Jesus Chr.." Eddie stared at his guitar in awe. "It's like.. she was destined for an alternate dimension."

"What do you say, sweetheart, Henderson?" He picked up his guitar. "Are you both ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?"

"Hell yeah." I said.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Dustin replied.

Eddie put the guitar strap over his head. "Let's do it." He said as he threw the guitar over his back.

We ran out of the room, but I grabbed his hand to stop him as I spotted something on his wall.

"Woaaaaah, Munson! What are these for?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him as I picked the handcuffs up off of his wall.

He looked back at Dustin, who was staring at Eddie with widened eyes.

He shrugged as he whispered into my ear. "You can find out later."

My eyes widened as I stared at him and I could feel my cheeks getting warm.

"Let's go." He dragged me outside and we started to climb onto the top of his trailer.

We set up a large speaker that would be attached to an extension cord running through Eddie's house. As Eddie plays his guitar, the speaker should hopefully draw the attention of the bats over at the Creel House.

We patiently waited on top of Eddie's roof as we waited for the signal.

"She's in. Move on to phase three." I heard Robin speak over the walkie talkie.

Oh god, it's happening.

"Copy that. Initiating phase three." Dustin responded to her.

Dustin plugged the cords in. "Let's hope they hear this." He said as he adjusted the speaker.

He nodded at Eddie, signaling for him to start playing his guitar.

I watched as he ripped his guitar pick necklace off of his neck. "Chrissy, this is for you." He said as he started to play.

I instantly recognized the song as Master of Puppets by Metallica.

I thought back to the nights I went over to Eddie's trailer to spend time with him, as he showed me the progress he'd make learning the song.

✾ ✾ ✾

"Sage, I officially have a new favorite song." Eddie said excitedly as he walked me into his room and started playing the song on his radio.

"Metallica, of course."

I sat and listened to the song as Eddie started to sing the lyrics.

"I'm going to learn it on my guitar." He said, out of breath.

"Of course you are."

✾ ✾ ✾

"Listen, I think I've made good progress."

"I know you have, you're obsessed."

"Okay yeah, but just listen." Eddie said as he started to play the song on his guitar.

Eddie was really talented when it came to guitar. Like, extremely.

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