✮you fucking bitch✮

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I decided to wear something plain to the party so I chose a simple outfit

I decided to wear something plain to the party so I chose a simple outfit

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As I walked into the house it smelled like sweaty boys and weed.
As I walked over to the table with the drinks I started putting random shit into a cup, surprisingly it tasted good as I was walking out the door I saw the same short buzz cut haired boy selling drugs.

"You got any weed?" I asked as I walked up to him. "How much?"
"Just one joint" I said.. he started putting the weed into the rolling paper and then licked the paper to seal it and then he passed it to me.
As I was pulling a 20 out he said "no charge, just meet me over by the bench" he's kinda hot not gonna lie

When I walked outside I saw a group of girls looking at me so I tried to down my drink as fast as I could.
"Haha bitch" this chick said as she threw my cup "you fucking bitch" I yanked on her shirt to pull her close to me and I started beating the shit out of her just as I saw a rock and kept smashing it across her face. I grabbed onto her hand and broke it with the rock, I kept on punching her until someone grabbed me. Great it's that buzz cut boy that grab me. He pulled me over to a chair and I sat on it and he sat on the other one and took the joint out of my hand and lit it. He took a hit of it and passed it to me.

"Why'd you hit her" he asked "because she threw my fucking drink" I took a hit of the blunt "what's yo name boy?" I asked as he took the blunt "Ashtray but you can call me Ash" Ashtray passed me the blunt and I took the last hit and put it out "nice meeting you Ashtray I'm Athena" I said walking off

I went back to the drinks because why not "want me to make you a drink?" Some random kid said "sure"


"I-I'm really d-d-dizzy" I felt really weak "wanna go up to a room?"
I shook my head. He stared dragging me and I was kicking him

"Get the fuck off of her bro" Ashtray came and started smashing the kids head into the corner off the wall.
The boy started screaming "Bro please get off me" I couldn't feel my body and that's when everything went black


I kept hitting the boy because I didn't like what he did, he was about to rape this innocent girl (she's not that innocent ashy boo bear 😝)
I stopped right when I saw Athena collapse on the floor
"Oh shit" I ran over to Athena and the boy ran away
"ATHENA ARE YOU OKAY"I was yelling and shaking her because she wasn't breathing as much as she should. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Fez

Ash- not bold
Fez- bold
Fez this girl I met Isn't
breathing properly come help me
Aight I be right there lil man

i told you to stop calling me that bruh

Aight fine I will, be there in about 15 minutes
Ash patiently waited 15 minutes right by the girl trying to get her to wake up
"Yo Ash what happened" Fez said as he came running in
"Idk man she fell to the ground after some random teen tried to take her up to a bedroom" ash said with a shaky voice

After a minute of silence Fez spoke up "Okay bro lets just get her in the car and we can take her to a hospital"

(TIME SKIP: at the hospital)


I slowly woke up in a hospital room not knowing where I was.
I looked around and to my side was a sleeping boy

I finally spoke up after admiring his facial features
"Ash where am I?" The sleepy boy woke up as he heard her voice "oh thank god you're up and we're at the hospital"
A nurse walked in and started talking "hello Athena, it looks like you had drugs in your system, do you remember anything that happened?" Did this bitch ask me if I remembered anything like hunny if I was on drugs I prolly wouldn't remember but luckily I remember some. I started to breathe so I could tell her "I only remember this guy making me a drink and then Ash punching him"

"OK so did the drink consist of alcohol?" The nurse asked "Yes" Ash clenched his fists "he drugged her, that little bitch" Ashtray got up and left. The nurse started writing on a paper "okay well since there was drugs in that drink you were drugged" NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLOCK "okay, I understand now" I understood from the start too bitch "okay well we have to let you go so I'll call the number 'Fez' left when he dropped you off and you'll have to stay with them for a while since we don't know where your father is right now" he prolly left boo 🤭. I started to get up and walk out the door. As I walk out I see Fez rubbing his head looking up at me, he started walking over to me and gave me a hug. What the fuck? Oh well I'll hug back

As soon as Fez signed papers to let us leave we got in the car and started driving.

I don't know what I think about this chapter.

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