●chapter 12●

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I woke up on the floor of Ash's room. 'why the fuck am I on the floor' I thought, then I remembered that Ash kept kicking me.

Today is the last day of 10th grade for me. I've been looking at some places for college but I don't think Ash will be going to one. I will be taking some time off after I graduate though.

I wore a jean dress with a pink hoodie

I wore a jean dress with a pink hoodie

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It was my last class, math

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It was my last class, math. I really don't like math but I'm just glad it's the last day.
Ash was in English watching a movie while I was in math doing stupid math equations.

I was reading a text i got from Ashtray.

I have a suprise, come to the front desk

"Athena do you have something to share" the teacher came up to me. "Uhh no.... but can I go use the bathroom" the teacher nodded and I quickly left.

As I walked up to the front of the school I saw Ashtray and he quickly kissed me. He then grabbed my hand and ran outside the school getting into his car. "ASH! I only had another 25 minutes left of school left" I said while taking my hoodie off which made Ash look at me. "Damn Ma you look sexy" Ash bit his bottom lip

Ash just drove us home while I was scrolling through tiktok.

We arrived at home

Ash grabbed my hand practically dragging me upstairs. He pushed me on the bed taking his shirt off and kissing my neck. "What are you doing babe" I laughed but he looked at me then looked at my dress. I nodded, he then unzipped my dress leaving me only in underwear.

We kept making out which led to doing IT, we had done it three times in a row. Ash recently turned 15 and I'm turning 15 tomorrow, he said he wanted to marry me and have a bunch of kids one day. I would love that but maybe not a bunch of kids.

"I love you Athena Ann Rose and you mean the world to me" Ash said getting up to do god knows what. "I love you too Ashtray O'neil" I said right back.

Ash came back into the room with 3 big boxes handing them to me and I set them on the bed opening one at a time.

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now