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Today was the day if Lexi's gender reveal so we all got dressed. The party was going to be small and we only invited Rue, Maddy, Kat and Lexi HAD to invite Cassie even though she didn't want to.

Lexis fit

Lexis fit

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My fit

The guests had to wear a pink or blue as what they think the gender is so I wore pink

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The guests had to wear a pink or blue as what they think the gender is so I wore pink.

Fez and ash both wore a tuxedo and Ash's had a pink tie on it to represent girl.

"You look sexy" Ash kissed me. "And you look handsome" I said while fixing his tie. "You'd be milf you know" I laughed "and you'd be a dilf, now come on we have to get outside" I grabbed onto his hand.

"There's the hottest mom ever" I say as I hug Lexi. "Thanks Athena, I wouldn't make it without you and Fez, even Ash" Lexi smiled.

"Okay everyone lets get started" Suze yelled and we all gathered around Lexi and Fez while Suze handed them the balloon saying 'it's it a Mrs. or Mr.' Fez and Lexi got ready.

"ITS A GIRL!" We all yelled.

Fez got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Lexi I know we've only known each other for a little amount of time but I'm in love with you and you're carrying my baby so will you marry me" Fez said and Lexi started crying

"yes" she nodded and Fez picked her up.

"OH FUCK YES" I yelled

Then that skanky ass man stealing whore walked in (Cassie) with Nate. "This bitch" Maddy scoffed and Ash clenched his jaw when he saw Nate. "Get the fuck outta here Nate" Ash said while him and Fez were walking up to him. "See Cassie, i'll just go wait in the car for you" Nate signed, I hate that little pussy ass bitch.

Maddy walked up to Cassie and dragged her ass. "Leave bitch" Maddy pushed Cassie out the door.

"Now where were we" Maddy yelled and played some music.

Everyone was dancing and Ash grabbed onto my hips and I started swaying my hips to the music. (Obviously it's Chase Atlantic)

Ashtray loved the 'she said fuck me like I'm famous' part.


The gender reveal party was amazing, we all had fun. Lexi and Fez went out for dinner a decided to have a little vacation to themselves since he proposed to Lex.

"I'm bored" Ash sighed
"Me too" it's literally so boring. "Wanna hang out with some of my friends and me at a party" I got up and he got up. "Give me the directions" Ash said as we walked out the door.

We pulled up to my friends house and walked in and Maddy saw me and ran up to us.

"OMG HI GUYS, LETS GO PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" Maddy screamed and pulled my arm so Ash had no choice but to follow me.

"Truth or dare" some boy asked me "dare" I replied.

"I dare you to go do 7 minutes in heaven with the hottest boy in this room" the boy said, of course I grabbed Ashtrays hand because he was the hottest. We went into the closet and I thought of the best prank ever. "Let's act like we're fucking" Ash nods his head. "Start banging on the wall and I'll yell" I whisper.

"Oh god ash.... keep going" I yell and try not to laugh. "HARDER.... HARDER" I scream.

It's been over 7 minutes so we decided to walk out. "Have fun?" everyone laughs. "Very" me and Ash said said in sync as I sat on his lap.

After a few hours of chilling at the party we decided to head back to the house.

"That was so fun when we walked out" I said laughing while we walked back inside. Ash closed the door and he picked me up while bringing me to the room.

He layed me on the bed and started kissing my neck. "Ash it's late" I whined but not stopping him. "And" he paused then continued kissing me.

"GUYS WE ARE HOME" someone yelled from the stairs so I pushed Ash off of me and I walked down stairs.

"YOUR HOME!!" I hugged Lex and Fez. "How was your vacation" Ash walked down the stairs questioning them. "It was good" they both said in sync. "Well it's getting late and you two should get to bed" Fez said.

Ash and I walked up stairs to go to bed.

Short chapter because I didn't know how to end this chapter

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now