✮i'm in love with you, you idiot✮

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When me and Troy got to his room we just watched TV and smoked some weed and I ended up passing out over at his house.

I woke up on Troy's couch.
I quietly got my stuff and left.
I had a bunch of missed calls and texts, and only 1 text was from Maddy which meant they were either Fez's or Ash's texts and calls and you guessed it they were all from Ash

45 missed calls from 5 foot wanna be gansta

5 foot wanna be gansta
Where are you?


Did I do something wrong?

Hello? Where are you?

Read at 9:55pm

I started walking to the shop to let ash know I'm okay 🙄 he's so needy.

As I walked into the shop Ash ran out and hugged me "I thought you were dead or something" I rolled my eyes "I was spending the night at Maddy's but I went to hang out with Troy and ended up falling asleep at his house." I started restocking some of the stuff in the shop so I could help out. Lexi walked in and started going to the drinks "Lexi Howard what brings you here" fez put out his joint "h-hi I'm just getting some drinks" Lexi opened the cooler door to the alcohol "that's the alcohol" Fez spoke up "yeah I know" Lexi looked scared for some reason "Lex is ever-"

We were at a party Ash had told me it's time to go and I had to get in the car but I didn't want to so I stayed inside and waited for Fez but of course he was talking to Nate "it's a new year playboy" fez said as Nate and Fez took a sip of their drinks but right at that moment Fez smashed a bottle on Nate's head and started beating the shit out of Nate so I decided maybe it was time to go so I went outside and got into the car.
"Told you it was time to go" Ash smirked and I rolled my eyes


I was cut off by Cal Jacobs walking in so I ran quickly snuck into the freezer with Ash "Ash Cal Jacobs is here" Ash was looking at Cal, we couldn't here what they were talking about but Cal put his hand into his pocket and Ash took his gun out of the cereal box but Cal just pulled out money and walked out "just a concerned father" cal said while walking out.

The day went by fast and I did some cleaning around the shop. "Time to go, Ash lock the door for me"

Faye still had the couch to sleep on so that meant I had to sleep with Ash.

I went into the bathroom to get changed into some night clothes


As I wash brushing my teeth Ash walked in and grabbed his toothbrush and the toothpaste that we had to share (only the toothpaste they share) and started brushing his teeth

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As I wash brushing my teeth Ash walked in and grabbed his toothbrush and the toothpaste that we had to share (only the toothpaste they share) and started brushing his teeth.

Ash had sat on the bed and went on his phone and I went on my phone

I had gone to my contacts to change Maddy's name

Me and Maddy had gotten really close lately, me and her share a lot in common together and we hang out a whole lot lately.

Me and ash made eye contact and then he went onto his phone to text that basic bitch Chloe 🙄.
I grabbed Ash's phone and tossed it to the ground "what the fuck was that for Athena" then I slapped him really hard "i'm in love with you, you idiot" I sat on his lap and kissed him on the lips and he kissed back. I think everything just felt right about this. I'm in love with this boy.

It's a short chapter because my friend is making me write and fanfic about Javon.

Don't be a silent reader boo ❤️

If you're going through anything you can dm me on insta: waltons.strangerthings
And remember to eat something
and drink some water because you need to be hydrated

Always remember you're
perfect and you have a hot body no matter what<3

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now