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Me and Ash have been making out a lot, I'm not gonna lie I really like it and I think I'm just about ready to take it a step further.

I was in the shower when ash walked in, "ASH! what the fuck I'm showering" I screamed.

"Okay and your point is what exactly?" Ash stood there looking directly at me. "Your lucky I was done showering"

Ash handed me a towel and I wrapped it around me and Ash walked into his room and over to his closet to pick out some clothes to wear, that's when Ash pulled my waist and pushed me against the wall and started kissing my neck and he got to my sweet spot (I read to much Vinnie Hacker books and that's why i know this🤭) "A-Ash I n-need to get c-changed" I was saying in between kisses. I forgot that Maddy has dropped off some clothes for me so I got dressed into a simple dress

---------------Ashtray pulled me close to him "wow you look hot" I giggled "thanks Ash" Ashtray has been wanting to kiss me every second of the day but of course I just kiss him back

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Ashtray pulled me close to him "wow you look hot" I giggled "thanks Ash" Ashtray has been wanting to kiss me every second of the day but of course I just kiss him back.


Me, Ash, Fez and Faye were all watching a movie and I was laying on Ash in the chair, Fez and Faye were on the couches. I sat up because I was getting uncomfortable laying down and I was trying to get comfortable and Ash grabbed me. "Stop moving" he whispered, I rolled my eyes because I was just trying to get comfortable so I started to get up "don't move" Ash demanded. "Why-" I was starting a sentence and then Custer came through the door.
"I came with some more clothes for Faye" I waved to Custer but I don't get a good vibe from him.
"Yo Ashtray come here man" Custer motioned for Ash to come towards him (to do one of those bro hug thing with the pat on the back 😂) but Ash shook his head. "Ash don't be a dick and get up" Fez shouted from the kitchen. "I'll get up so you can get up" he tried grabbing me but I got up quickly.

Ash grabbed the pillow and put it over his legs. "OH MY GOD" Custer yelled which got Fez's attention so he walked over. My face was in peer shock and so was Fez's face. Rue walked in and gave me a big hug but she was confused when she saw what we were all looking at "what's wrong" Rue laughed.

"I think- well- I -ummm" I stuttered trying to say what was going on meanwhile Ash was just sitting there on the chair looking at the floor. "I think the boy was enjoying Athena sitting on him way to much" Custer and Fez both laugh. "Ash it's okay" I was trying so hard not to laugh but I felt bad when Ash looked at me with a guilty face so I grabbed his hand and pulled him into his room. "I'm so sorry Athena I don't even know what happened" Ash said while holding onto the pillow that was covering his pants. "I'm so fuc-" before he could finish his sentence I kissed him and I pushed him onto the bed and he grabbed me and put me on his lap.

I grabbed him and started kissing his jawline then I kissed his neck and I heard him groan ( I do not find groaning attractive 🤮) then he started kissing my neck "be careful Ash, I can't have any hickeys" I said but he didn't seem to care.

Ash took off his shirt, oh god he's so hot (I'm cringing so hard rn 😆) then I took my dress off leaving me in shorts (those tight asf ones that make your legs jiggle when you walk) and a bra.

Me and Ash kept making out but then the door flung open to reveal Rue. Me and Ash swung our heads over to her. Rue nodded her head and closed the door. I quickly got my dress on and Ash got his shirt back on.

Rues POV

I was going to check on Athena and Ash to see if they were okay because I was getting bored of Custer and Fez talking.

When I opened the door I saw Athena with her dress off and Ash's shirt was off and they were on each other so I nodded and closed to door.

"How are they" Fez asked Rue.
"They're having fun so I don't think we should bother them, I think the wang wang train was about to come out" I was still very shocked.

"Oh hell nah" Fez stormed down to the room.


Me and Ash were still kissing but we made sure to lock the door.

"Ash open the fucking door right now" Fez kept banging on the door and we stoped kissing and he got up and opened the door.
"What Fez" Ash rolled his eyes.

"She ain't hopping on yo wang wang train bruh" Fez yelled and come over to me and grabbed my arm then grabbed Ashtrays arm.

"Oh no Ash it looks like we're in trouble" I said sarcastically and Ash laughed. Fez put me on one couch than Ash on another couch.

"We do not ride other people's wang wang trains, YOU HEAR ME" Fez yelled. "Shiver me timbers" I said while laughing "I'm serious" Fez wasn't usually like this so I thought he was joking. "Its time for you to get outta here big fella, I gotta see Lexi" OHHHHHH that makes since now. Fez and Lexi have both been talking for a little now and Lexi is a close friend of mine because she's not like Maddy or the other girls, she gets me and I get her.


me and Ash were sitting in the living room watching TV when we heard a moan come out of Fez's room. Ash looked me dead in the eye and put a finger over my mouth and turned the TV off.

"Aughhhhh Fez Oh my goddddd" Lexi was moaning. "Oh shit!" Is all that Ash could yell. We put our shoes on and started walking to the store because we didn't want to hear all that.

Was this a good chapter? I feel like it was bad.

Mr-thick-neck-bitch saw most of this before you guys did

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now