•I love you•

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It's been a whole month and Ash won't even let me go anywhere unless he's there, he won't even touch me because he's scared he'll hurt me.

It was 2:30 PM and it was the last day of school so I asked Fez if I could throw a party at the house and of course he said yes. Fez has been watching over Lexi for a while since she's 4months pregnant and you can notice a small baby bump.

Ash kept looking looking at me in the middle of Science class to make sure I was okay so I pulled out my phone

Ash I'm okay so stop staring at me

You sure?


I looked over at him and nodded.

As the class finally was over and we were all aloud to leave me and Ash got into the car and drove home.

"God I hate school so much" Ashtray said while throwing his backpack onto the chair.

I pulled in Ash's shirt and pulled him up the stairs and into his room.

I started passionately kissing him and he pulled away but I gave him the 'I'm okay/it's okay' look and he got onto the bed and I was straddling his waist. We started making out.

"Hey guys what-" Lexi walked into the room and we brought our attention to her "I'm just gonna get takeout and leave and you to can keep doing this" she said as she closed the door.


I wanted to know what I should make for dinner so I walked into Ashtrays and Athena's room.

"Hey guys what-" I was saying until I saw them kissing "I'm just gonna get takeout and leave and you to can keep doing this" I said then closed the door, I mean thy should do what they want so I made Fez come with me to go shopping and get takeout.


Ash and I were still making out and he took my shirt off leaving me in my lace bra and he took his shirt off.

I ended up being in my underwear and bra and he was in boxers.

I started moving up and down on his lap and he started holding onto my hips while I kept moving up and down (it's giving......Ginny) I could feel it (the wang wang train) and we started kissing (I'm cringing to hard rn)

Ashtray got to my sweet spot and I let out a moan (I can't rn)

He flipped us over so I was laying on the bed and he was kissing my neck still and he did it again so I let out another one (WHY DO IK ALL THIS)

Fez opened the door and we swung our heads to the door.

Ash got up and I sat there scared as fuck(reminder they're literally both half undressed)

"Fez lets go" Lexi tried pulling Fez's arm but failed "FEZ COME ON ITS NOT A BIG DEAL" Lexi yelled and tried pulling fez and this time she got him out of the room and Ash locked the door.

"Where were we" Ash came over to me and started kissing me and then unclipped my bra. "ASH" I started laughing but then he picked me up and kept kissing my neck.

Fez wouldn't stop banging on the door so we put on music

He then went over to the bed with Athena still in his arms and went started kissing her lips and making his way down to her chest. Ash went back up to her lips and he whispered in her ear "you're so pretty and I love you" I love how he makes me feel so loved.

He started to grab my legs and pull me towards him he kissed my thigh and looked back up at me and I nodded so he kept kissing my thigh and then he got to my panties and took them off


(they were yk not having clothes on either but I will not write SMUT but it's a little smutty)

Ash then pulled the blankets over them.

Ashtray and Athena had just lost their V-cards.

After Ash and I just did it I decided to post a tiktok


Caption: the DEED is done #deed #lostit #bf❤️18k💬limited

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Caption: the DEED is done #deed #lostit #bf

udumbfckingbtch: YOU DID THE DEED!!!

LexiHoward: you're welcome for making sure Fez didn't get to mad
^^thx Lex

ashlikes2kill: you're so cute
^^i literally love you

fezsellsdrugz: you're lucky you guys aren't dead
^^didn't you stick your wang wang in Lexi?????

kittykween: YAY!

cassiehoeward: slut
^^says you bitch

Julesluvsurdad: hii!
^^your user says a lot jewel 🤭

Rueisaaddict: YAY FOR YOU MA CHILD
^^thx rue lol

LucasRose: whore
^^teacher fucker


"I meant what I said" Ash spoke up. "About what?"

"That I love you" I smiled and kissed him then I got up and got into one of his shirts and a new pair of his boxers and cuddled up to Ash.

"I love you too Ash and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he then kissed me. We watched some cartoons and fell asleep.

It's kinda a short chapter but it's still good.

Don't come after me because I wrote some things HES A FICTIONAL CHARACTER and you guys still write about Jaden having b0ners and being h0rny for don't even

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now