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All I heard was screaming....

I woke up in a hospital bed, my arm was bandaged up. Ash was sitting next to me and I saw a women who looked familiar but I couldn't remember her. "Athena baby oh my god you're awake" The women said. My eyes widened "MOM" I screamed. "hola bebé" my mom hugged me. My mom is a whore and is never around anymore so I'm shocked that she's here.



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----------------------------------------Now you see why she's never around

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Now you see why she's never around. Her names angel and she's understands English but isn't good at speaking it. "cómo estás mi amor, tu padre me llamó y me dijo lo que pasó porque recibió una llamada del hospital, por suerte yo estaba en la ciudad" of course my father called her. "I'm okay Mama" I forced a smile. "bebé, no estás bien" She said. "You look so bad Mija" she put her hand on my cheek. "Mommy miss you" Angel said kissing my cheek. "This, uhhhhhh how I say this, this handsome boy come save you, he say you not answer your phone" god she needs some English classes. "I'm taking you to me house, it's uh closer by your school" Angel grabs her purse. "I got you clothes" she put a red dress on the side of the bed. "This place is gross Chica"

I got out of the bed, I tripped but Ash caught me with his arm. "Thanks, I'm going to get changed" I walked out of the room and saw Maddy, she already knew to get up. "Was that your mom" she whispers. "Sadly..... Yes" I signed. "She looks so cool, and gorgeous" Maddy smiled. "She's definitely gorgeous but I would say she's not cool, she's fucking crazy" I roll my eyes thinking about the last time I saw my mom, she threw a microwave at my father.

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now