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I had been staying at Maddy's house for the weekend because Ash and I had got into a argument.


"Where the fuck were you Athena" Ash jumped out of his bed. "None of your business" I shot right back. "It IS my business Athena, you could've called" He got up in my face. "You don't control my fucking life Ashtray, I can do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want" I said pushing him back. "Don't put your fucking hands on me" Ash grabbed my arms, gripping his hand tight around both of my wrists. "Ash stop, your hurting me" I tried pulling my arms back but failed. Ash tightened his grip "Don't ever disrespect me"
"And don't you ever push me like that again, You got it?" He clenched his jaw. "I SAID YOU GOT IT!" He yelled louder. I flinched.

Fezco came into the room. "What's going on" he questioned. Ash looked like he didn't even know what was going on. He dropped his hands, letting go of the grip on my wrists.

I ran out of the house and Texted Maddy.

Maddy can you come pick me up from Fez's house.

Maddy 😘


"What should I wear today" Maddy said, pulling out a lavender dress and a blue dress. "I think the Lavender color is more you" I said looking up from my phone, I was reading some of the texts Ash kept sending me.

Athena I'm so sorry

Athena please answer

I didn't mean to hurt you, I just got mad

I'm so sorry ma

Please please forgive me
Read at 10:43 am


"I wanna stop by the shop" I didn't want to say that but I kinda just came out, I didn't want to go the the shop but it just felt like I had to go. "Okay, you just need to get dressed" Maddy said looking at the clothes I had on. I went to Ash's that night to grab some clothes to go to Maddy's but I didn't get to grab them. I was wearing a pair of shorts, a tank top and some flip flops.

I looked down at my clothes, "only if you got any that'll fit me" I look at Maddy, already knowing what I just got myself into. Maddy squealed, Clapping her hands.

Maddy gave me a light sky blue shirt with some shorts with a lot on an unnecessary amount of buttons. My makeup was smudged, mascara had run down my face, my blue eyeshadow spread all over my eyes.
"Let me fix up you makeup as well" Maddy pulled my hand bringing me into her bathroom.

"Ta-daaaaaaaa" Maddy smiled, giving me a hug. She had done a light blue eyeshadow with a cat wing and some shiny pink lip gloss. "Let's go" She said.

We pulled into the shop, my heart racing so fast. "You sure you're ready to go in" Maddy said putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded in response. We walked in, Fezco put out his joint and hopped on the counter.

"Yo you're here" He said with opened arms. I rand into his chest hugging him so tight. I'm not usually the type of person for hugs but I really needed it. Fez let go and nodded towards the freezer. I told Maddy to wait for me and pick out some snacks.

As soon as I opened the freezer door Ash looked up, his eyes had dark circles on them, like he hadn't slept at all and he looked very gloomy. I walked over to the small couch in the corner and sat down. Not one single sound out of ours mouths, just silence. I saw Ash open his mouth a little bit but he closed it. I suppose he was trying to say something but didn't know exactly what to say.

I put my hand down on the cushion beside me, signaling him to come sit down. Still not a single word out of our mouths. Ash got out of his chair and came over to sit down. He put his head in my lap and kicked his feet over the arm of the couch. I ran my fingers through his short buzzed cut hair. I saw his eyes start to close, he was fighting to keep them open but soon just gave in and closed them. We didn't need to talk at all, we just needed to be with each other. We needed to just stay right next to each other.

Maddy's POV

I started to worry when I didn't hear anything from the freezer. "I'll check on them" Fezco said, walking to the freezer. "Oh shit, their both sleeping." Fezco took out his phone and took a picture. "Athena hasn't slept since she's been at my house, three days without sleep but I've tried getting her to take some melatonin gummies but she refused, almost like she wanted to be awake" I said taking a sip of my water. "Same with Ash, he won't even try to sleep, he's been on his phone texting her non stop" Fezco said lighting a new joint.

End of Maddy's POV....



I woke up and saw Ash still sleeping on my lap, hugging my torso. I shook him awake lightly, trying to wake him up.
"Hmmm" is all that came out of his mouth. He sprung up. "Can we talk" I said. Ash shook his head yes. "I'm sorry for not telling you I was at Maddy's" I looked down, fidgeting with my fingers. "You don't have to be sorry Athena, I was being a total dick and I shouldn't have grabbed you like that" Ash said sitting back down next to me. "You don't have to forgive me, I'm mad at myself too and I haven't slept in three days" He said again. "I haven't slept either" I replied. "I love you Ash but I just need time to myself right now" I gave him a kiss and walked out, closing the freezer door. I didn't look at Fez because I was trying not to cry.

As soon as I walked out of the shop I started running to my house. Luckily my dad and brothers went on a vacation, leaving the house all to me for a couple weeks. I couldn't help but cry. I reached my house so I ran inside, going straight to my room flopping on to my bed. I screamed so loud that a picture of my mom fell off the wall, breaking the glass and frame.


I looked down at the glass. "No Athena, don't do it" I said to myself. I got off my bed grabbing a piece of broken glass. My phone started ringing but I ignored it. I pushed the glass to my arm and dragged it down my arm, blood gushing out. Everything went black. All I heard was screaming.


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Remember you're not alone and these people are here to help you.

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now