•chapter 17•

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I don't know what to think about my mom, she just all of a sudden decides to grow a fucking pair and be a mom again. Whatever I can't do this shit right now. I slowly get up, I'm in Ash's shirt and my underwear. I've been at his house for almost a week, I haven't even been on my phone. "You know you should really check up on your family" Ash mutters while rubbing his eyes. I sigh and get out my phone.

Where are you

Athena 💙
I'm at a friends, sorry for not texting you

Maddy 😘
Omg are you alive bitch


girl are you dead in the back of a Jefferey Dahmer wanna be's car

Athena ❤️
Sorry I didn't text you, I'm at Ashtrays

I had about 45 other texts but I ignored them.

"I should get back home" I get up and put on a pair of grey Nike track sweats. "Hey those are mine" Ash says getting up. "Then that gives me a reason to come back, I'll return them soon" I give him a quick hug and head out the door.

"YOUNG LADY" I hear a yell across the room. "Why would you beat Viv up" Angel gets up and slaps me across my face. "What the fuck, you dumb skank. ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU CARE ABOUT ME BUT YOU DIDN'T FOR THE PAST 14 FUCKING YEARS, YOU LEFT ME WHEN I WAS JUST A KID. SO DON'T EVEN TRY TO BE A GOOD MOM. VIVIAN WANTED TO BE A WHORE AND TRY AND BONE THE LOVE OF MY FUCKING LIFE." I yell so loudly at my 'mother'. Angel comes and grabs my by my hair and drags me up the stairs. "You stay in this room until I tell you to come out, you little bitch" she slams the door in my face.

Ashtray 💀
Did you make it home safely

Yeah but my mom dragged me up to my room bc I 'hurt' Vivian.

Ashtray 💀

Athena 👰🏻‍♀️
'okay' is that all you have to say? I'm in love with you, god forbid I stay with my mom and you think it's okay to go around fucking whores

Ashtray 💀
I didn't fuck any whores, that bitch Vivian was all up on me

Athena 👰🏻‍♀️
Whatever, I'm gonna sneak out and go do something

Ashtray 💀
Okay, I'll be doing a deal somewhere


Maddy told me to meet her at this random ass house for a party so I'm going to go. I put on a black skirt and a black tank top, along with my black Nikes.

"Hey girl, glad you made it" You guessed it, Maddy is drunk. "I need a drink" I walk over to where the drinks are. "No youuuuu need dickkk" Maddy slurs, I ignore her.

About an hour later

I started laughing when Maddy fell over into the bathtub. "Bitch! It's not funny" she yells. I stumble out of the bathroom "oh my god Athena, you good" I see Ashtray come up to me. "Oh hey ashyyyyyy" I laugh again, "don't ever fucking call me that EVER AGAIN" He grabs my arm "we're going back to my house" he pulls me out to the car. "You don't control me, what are you my daddy now" I smirk at my last sentence. Ash just rolls his eyes and starts the car. I look out the window and see Fez coming to the car door. Fez gets in and we drive off.

I'm thinking of writing short chapters because I've been very busy with school stuff lately

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