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Ash dropped me off back at the house earlier because he had to close up the store.

Fez was in his room sleeping and I was cleaning around the house and Faye was sleeping on the couch where I usually sleep 🙄. So me being me I layer on the floor because I was just way to tired to move her.


I opened my eyes to see nothing but pitch black so I try to get up but someone is holding me, oh great it's Ashtray.

I look at his face and start to trace his tattoos because he's cute while he's sleeping OH NO IS HE A CRUSH?. I really like Ashtray but I don't know what to do.


I woke up to realize that Ash is laying on my chest so I tried to move to get my phone and take a picture
(It looks something like this

I woke up to realize that Ash is laying on my chest so I tried to move to get my phone and take a picture (It looks something like this

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I decided not to wake him up so I scrolled through tiktok for a couple minutes and then just laid there.

About an hour past and Ashtray finally woke up.

I laughed "Oh finally I can get up to go get ready for the day now that you're awake" Ashtray got up and rolled his eyes "it's not like I wanted to fall asleep on you" but what he really was trying to say was 'I enjoyed it and I wanna go back to sleep again'

Maddy texted me and told me to come over and wear something hot so I picked out a dress. Maddy gave me a lot of clothes

I don't know why Maddy wants to see me but I need to get out for a little

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I don't know why Maddy wants to see me but I need to get out for a little.

Maddy only lives about 10 minutes from Fez's house so I started walking out the door

"where do you think your going?" Ashtray said as he got up from the couch, he wouldn't stop staring at my dress "and what are you wearing" He said as he was looking me up and down "I'm going to Maddy's house" I smiled and left.

As soon as I opened Maddy's door she ran downstairs and grabbed my hand to pull me up to her room. "Athena so prom is tomorrow is tomorrow and we obviously need to go" shit I don't have anything to wear "keep going"

If kisses could lie •Ashtray O'Neil•Where stories live. Discover now